Correct me if I am wrong, but this is almost entirely due to unrestricted 3rd world immigration and a complete failure of integration of the immigrants, who do not actually want to integrate?

I am curious why you never discuss the reasons for the crisis.

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Speculating: the swedish laws for "hate crimes" are written and used in such a way that a prosectuor may initiate a case despite there being no actual threat issued or no real victim (such as an actual person belonging to a privileged group, say homosexuals or jews or moslems).

And the prosecutor may initiate this regardless of in which country the swede being investigated is located or living, and if charges are brought before court the prosecutor can then apply for th accused to be extradited to Sweden.

As our courts are populated by politicians and one judge, and that the court decides by majority vote, you are basically well and truly trucked if you are a white swedish man standing accused of a hate crime against a privileged group.

The above is de facto how the system is set up to work - de jure is a diffrent matter.

On top of this, the state and the socialist democrat party funds groups such as EXPO (think Antifa in suits, EXPO is composed of criminals loyal to the regime, several of which are old AFA/Antifa members) to perform illegal surveillance of citizens and to track and file charges against dissidents. This includes harassment, arson and assault.

So any swede daring to debate that issue knows to talk about it without talking about it, so to speak. You can make an obvious parallel with the US and trying to talk race and crime using publicly available facts, or race and ownership of media and banks, again using publicly available facts - politically impossible, yet even the reds and libs knows what's what anyway.

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This is pretty depressing. Thank you for the detailed explanation!

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Zionist Jews and wicked transnational counter-parts control the illegal immigration flooding the US, EU, and UK. The goal is the elimination of all nations and ethnicities and to homogenize the whole of the West into a mud-colored soup of mediocrity.

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And yet Sweden still ranks as the 7th happiest population on the planet. Ya think someone might be messing with the numbers to promote a socialist, feminist ideology rather than reality?

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As someone from Sweden, I can tell you that Sweden definitely is not the 7th happiest population on the planet.

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I do not live in Sweden but have been very concerned (since 2015) about what is happening there. Bringing loads of third world people into a high-trust, highly altruistic, society is kind of like feeling bad for the lion being out in the cold so you bring it into your house so it can be happier.

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Peter this is not directly related to your article, I have a close relative in Malmo who is fully jabbed with a single booster , she recently got COVID. I am a molecular biologist and am very familiar with all the early treatment protocols, do you know of any Dr's in Malmo that prescribe Ivermectin for Covid?

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The snowplow bit is interesting, especially their reasoning. IMHO it (snowplowing) will be one of the first victims of energy rationing/conservation as core vs. periphery choices are made.

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WTF. This is crazy. Everything and everyone is batshit crazy and we all know who is at fault and what we need to do. I hope this Dutch Farmers Movement/momentum is doing some damage to these bastards!

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In the Liberal World Order, Women of certain decent are to bear children of future armies. That is all. Can no longer bear children well then you fall in place behind the men of that same decent.

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Wow. That’s some crazy feminists in charge. What a sad situation for the women who just want protection from being raped.

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Is Sweden worse than France? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-speak-french

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Wow, they have an accurate view of American sports in that article, for sure.

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