I will believe the world will be on the way back to ‘normal’ when news carriers and Medical Associations everywhere start tracking and reporting on health outcomes post 2021 Covid injection. The excess deaths, heart problems, clots, sudden deaths, neurological disorders, Bell’s palsy reports and other serious side effects ad nauseam informs ME, a regular plebe, that the mRNA must be taken OFF the market and all batches destroyed. It is monstrous that this poison is still being injected into adults, children and babies. And the bad guys doing this, know. 😡😡😡

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Yes quite correct, my husband works as security on the Liverpool rail network and they are getting up to five suicides/ attempted every week now, they used to be a couple a month, all being hushed up and nothing in the local paper. So all the normies listening to MSM think there is nothing at all going on.!!!! Evil evil agenda at play !!!

Friend of mine who is a Vicar in the North of England has noticed the cremation buildings used to be open 9-5, and he noticed one night that it was still open, he went in an someone he knew that worked there said they are now open 24 hrs because of the high death count they can’t burn the bodies fast enough!! ( that man has now been sacked and the Vicar has been told to shut his mouth)

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Well, that explains the dipstick democrats. All kidding aside, this kill shot is doing a lot of damage to people. I wonder, did everyone in Congress take the shot?

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You know what else? It explains Joey & Jill Biden's stupidity, too. But what made Joey the stupid leader he has been for over 50 years? Stupid pills and I swear he takes a bottle full every day, including his supporters. I know I sound very angry and I am. Sorry about that readers but I'm worried for my country.

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We know. IMO - Joe Biden has gotten away with so much because he cozied up to the right ppl when necessary. Plus, this is how the Democrat machinery has worked for decades. They will stand behind their man/woman to the death. It's only when irrefutable evidence is presented that he Dems MAY admit that 'something's rotten in the state of Washington D.C.'.

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With the push to distribute oral mRNA vaccination via such foods as lettuce, we could find ourselves worse off than the Romans with their lead lined pipes. Those of us who still have a functioning brain must prevail over these idjits who seek to destroy civilization in myriad ways.

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Very interesting. I was blaming the cause to the reckless driving, cognitive impairment, etc to the isolation during covid. It was cruel, inhumane. Thank you for this valuable information. I still know people(older than me) who proudly announce ‘I got my 5th covid shot!’

So many young healthy people getting sick as well and dying, Very sad 🥲

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Interesting, so I'm not the only one who noticed reckless driving on the roads shortly after the covid injection rollout.

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I’m in Orlando FL and it’s absolutely crazy here! This was not an issue before covid and the injections. The speeding and passing on my 2 lane road is insane!

I don’t see people walking anymore as many pedestrians have been killed on other roads nearby. There’s a toll road nearby and I hear the cars racing after 10pm. The police can’t keep up with all that’s going on. Very sad.

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I don’t think further research is need, it’s 100% confirmed it’s in the brain. And once all the animals are injected we have had it!!!

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perhaps this helps explain the rapid deterioration of President Biden's mental faculties, as evidenced by Thursday night's debate performance, where he clearly looked and sounded like someone with alzheimer's

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There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

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Your work sounds fascinating...

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