the trend continues around the Western world. the leftist globalist agenda is being rejected everywhere by the people, although not yet willingly by those losing power

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We are currently seeing a right-wing wave across Europe, first with the EU elections and now this.

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and come November, in the US as well

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From your lips to God's ear. 🙏

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As the mask falls off our faux President in the United States, the eyes of the French appeared to have opened to the outrageous claims of the Green Climate Hoax and unbound immigration. Viva La France

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Good news! Seems the dam is finally breaking...

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It's wonderful to see real elections in some countries. Can't happen here! We have DEMOCRACY! No nasty old elections for us!

I wonder what Macron was trying to do. He's a Wall Street man who will easily bet an entire country for fun and profit, as Soros has done a dozen times. I can't see the profit in either outcome of this bet. Still, he's not stupid or self-destructive. He may have a bait-n-switch plan.

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Pray for the people of France their hearts and minds will be strengthened by God to see through the lies and deceit of the Luciferean globalists. Pray those who ascend to leadership walk at the side of Christ and put His will ahead of their own. Most importantly, pray for those who stand in the breach between the evil of the Adversary and the people of France, Europe, Canada, America and the rest of North America. These next few years will determine if the End Times have been set in motion or if its a warning from the Most High to get right with the Lord before His return. God bless our Brothers and Sisters in Christ around the world and God bless America.

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Well… if Le Pen after the second poll will have to create a coalition with Macron, they won’t got very far…and possibly will have the same outcome as the very disappointing centre-right government in Italy … more appearance than substance 🤷‍♀️

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