maybe enough kids who got the injections are sterilized; therefore the depopulation goal was met.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

In October of 2021 I was in Las Vegas at a CVS store. I walked by the pharmacy station and saw a woman (masked) calling her son (who looked about 10-12 years old) and saying, "It's time for your shot". I asked her if he was getting the covid vax and she said yes. I told her that children don't need the shot, they're not at risk for getting or dying from covid. She put her masked face in front of my unmasked face and starting yelling at me to leave. Hearing the screaming, the pharmacist came out to inquire what was going on and she also told me to leave or else she would call security on me. I hadn't raised by voice and I spoke calmly and politely. It was a surreal moment. I live abroad and hadn't been in the states for a year. I couldn't believe people could be so crazy, fearful and brainwashed.

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I believe the WHO has backed off because the main goal, approval of the gene therapy drug ( being marketed asca vaccine ) for kids so as to get it on the early childhood vaccinations list in most nations which then gives them immunity from harm from the drug thru the childhood vaccine schedule program since the existing immunity deals applies only to the emergency use Authoritarian version. Then I could be wrong and be misunderstanding how all this works

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Also, didn’t this scam involve the mythical “comirnaty” vaccine? Comirnaty was the one “approved”, but was never manufactured, and people were offered whatever was available. This hoax is multi level lie.

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My friend has not let her children be vaccinated with these covid jabs but had them take nasal flu jabs. LaQuintaColumna found many vials of injections, covid, flu, ones for dental and bloodthinning, all contained graphine. 3 HR vid on Rumble. Who would trust pharma or health regulators ever again?

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In the US, roughly 90% of parents have chosen not to give their kids the Covid shot supposedly. We’ll see what happens when school starts, though.

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How can it still be an option?? Fkn psychopaths!!!

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They can force all the medical care they want in a couple months when they're allowed to take over the world. 😖

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Every one of these racketeers needs to be tried in front of a jury of their victims. Bereaved parents of died suddenly, disabled and injured kids.


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A little late though 🤦

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Something today's leaders seems to have forgotten, relating to power, is this old harp:

The greater your power, the greater the consequences of any action.

This is crucial, especially concerning making mistakes.

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Please, see and investigate from Substack.com text concerning state censor written by Maajid Nawaz: in the socialist dystopia of Venezuela where 90% of citizens live below the powerty line (allthough the massive amount of hydro carbons) - the goverment has arrested several journalists reporting on COVID-19

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I watch the UKColumn news and on Monday they showed a job advertisement by the government in England, the role is to promote the Covid shot further and to especially go after the hesitant population. They're are NOT backing off.

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This is the difference between you and the Legacy Media...THEY ARE NOT MAIN STREAM.


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These sick rotten criminals and mass murderers!

They forgot the mention that NO ONE needs these shots AS THERE IS NO VIRUS AT ALL!


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