These hubristic individuals are so full of themselves they will bring about their own and our destruction, if they are not stopped. One of the problems I see is not just the elites, but the people, that support and even idolize these so called experts, and forget that (especially in the US) it is/was "We the people" who hold the power if we so choose to exercise it.

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We must spread the word!!!!

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Somehow, I think they're going to have more trouble getting away with is this time...

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I do hope you are right. Everyone (with power) and his brother including the Telecoms (HR3557) Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big government, are passing or attempting to pass laws that are criminal, and it is because they are already getting away with murder, and see no reason to stop. " The ethos was if we can get away with it, it's legal".

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13

Hmmm to get away with leaking a 2017 gof wuhan bio weapon brain virus with 100% death rate, via aerosol spread? https://phillipaltman.substack.com/p/new-man-made-coronavirus-will-potentially/comments

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Never happen because it puts them and their families at risk.

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"Preparing for it" means THEY are planning it and will implement it.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Author

No, that's just a crazy conspiracy theory they say!

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Lol, yes, no truth to that. But of course, they planned the covid attack on the world.

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Event 201

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The shepherds are fattening their lambs and licking their lips. Soon it will be time for the slaughter and they can't wait...

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With big pharma in attendance we can look forward for new safe and effective kill shots

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They’re sticking with the tried & true cookie cutter. Let’s see how it works out this time around...

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It is not a stretch to read the WEF's goals and recognize them as a terrorist organization in the US, at least based on the Constitution

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Of course.. Degenerate UN/WEF/WHO are putting enormous pressure on all Member Nations ignorant politicians to sign their despicable NEW International Health Regulations.. to REMOVE SOVEREIGNTY & gain complete power over world populations…. COVID was their Trial-run!

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I watched Larry Fink on Fox News today. He was so gross 🤮. Lying about climate & how wonderful carbon capture technology is & solar .. he even mentioned Texas 👿. Their grid doesn’t work ..

yet full steam ahead we all go with these lies

His company (Blackrock) is bigger than most countries ..

Whatever happened to monopoly laws in America..

Amazon / Apple / Google 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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They should stick to doing the hookers and leave us alone.

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If they would just get stuck in the hookers than we would be left alone.

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Right 🤣🤣✌️

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Would have used another word but thought this is a family friendly site. Amr Australia

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Did you hear about this?

1/11 - Dr. John Campbell New Brain Virus


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Funny how that lines up with Ski season hier in Davos.

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The Mafia proposes; God disposes.

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Be good time for Putin to drop a bomb. Get them all in one shot.

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Preparing for or preparing? The last ‘outbreak’ didn’t go quite according to script, the wool was pulled back by quite a few, they’ll need a more coordinated effort next time.

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