
Please share this article everywhere, it might just save someones life!

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I like that you get some information is too important to be behind a paywall. Some seem to struggle with that, which I don’t understand given the severity of the situation. It makes me more inclined to give you money.

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This is pretty common knowledge for those of us who have been awake to the Plandemic from the get go.

D3 is better than D2 and it should be taken with K2, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin C. I studied this ages ago when I did my Undergraduate Nutrition Bio.Science degree.

I upped my D3 intake and haven’t even had a sniffle since COVID began, actually I’m lying, I have have plenty of sniffles but they are related to bouts of crying…ALL due to the Plandemic.

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This article says D2 was better against covid, FWIW, 20% vs 28% in not getting it.

50,000 IU seems like a ton, tho. My supplements.say 100% daily value is 800 IU, so that's taking 2 pills. I take 3 or 4 sometimes, because they have calcium also, only 600mg, but I'd have to take half the bottle to get 50,000 IU...and we're supposed to do that daily? Wow.

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Daily values are pretty out of date and always low. You can get D3 5000 iu on Amazon and it’s really cheap. I agree with Sirka above, D3, Zinc, Magnesium, K2, C and I’d add Taurine as well, based on Dr Malone’s post.

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I take 50,000 IU of D3 a week…but it’s a “once weekly” formula. This helps me stay on track with my D. I also take 400 mg elemental magnesium daily. I need to add VK, so I may be switching to something that won’t give me the once/weekly advantage.

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Same! Taking the same supplements daily ever since hearing about it in the beginning of the plandemic. The last time I had a mild sniffle was in December 2019. Nothing at all since. I'm also behaving like a normal human, no distancing, no crazy sanitizing (except washing my hands with soap when getting home like I always did) and no masking. Jabbed people in my family are sick constantly.

I'm exposed to sick jabbed people regularly, but never got infected with anything. Neither did my husband. We are the only unjabbed people out of everyone we know and the only ones healthy and never sick. I've always had a strong immune system and was rarely sick, but this has been the longest stretch without even getting the sniffles. I'm certain that the Vitamins are the reason for that. Plus keeping my immune system normally exposed to everything helps too.

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Yay! My daughter, son and I did not jab either. They both got the vid a year ago but hammered through it like a champs (they are young and healthy) We live together and I never got it, or got it and my immune system knocked it flat right away, I’m also convinced it was the Vitamins

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Hi. Can you list the mg dosage of each vitamin? Thank you!

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I will tell you how much I take, not how much you should take 😊:

5000 iu Vitamin D3 + 120 mcg K2, 1000mg C, 100mg Magnesium, 5mg Zinc All on a Full stomach. I know others take different doses but it’s what I take and I’m never sick!

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Great article! Doesn't it give you a warm, fuzzy feeling to know how much the mainstream media cares about your health and wellbeing?

And how about our elected and non-elected officials?

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Thank you. If they really cared they should be shouting this news, telling people to get their vitamin D. So simple and so effective.

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I live in the US and receive all my health care at the Veterans Administration (VA) because I am former military.

At no time did the VA do a push to encourage veterans to increase their levels of Vitamin D to prevent covid. At no time was there a concerted effort to test every veteran to determine their Vitamin D levels.

The VA is still pushing the covid death shots and boosters. Recently received an email from the VA informing me that I could get the booster and the flu shot on the the same day!

Booster that was tested on 8 mice.

Lots of poison juice.

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My husband is a taxi driver and they pick up carers from a local care home. Last year they were giving the residents who are already weak and vulnerable boosters and flu shots at the same time. Many were having seizures afterwards. This autumn when they were doing the same again many became extremely ill and some dying whilst the carers look the other way. You’ve dodged a bullet.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thanks Peter for making this issue freely available!

Was it Scotland that started a Vitamin-D program of 400 IU last year? https://www.gov.scot/publications/vitamin-d-advice-for-all-age-groups/

At the time it was thought the dose seemed rather useless, but the study you mention supports the use of even a light dose.

It has taken me five years to finally have our public medical system in Canada not refuse the requisition to test my levels and only after convincing my GP that I qualified, checkmarking the osteoarthritis reason. I have daily been taking 5000 IU of Vitamin-D along with K2, stopped one week prior to blood withdrawl for the test with a test result of 125 u. Their acceptable range is 50-200. So within their range but nowhere near their upper bounds. This supports the suggestion that individuals have different absorption rates. Perhaps as we age, our ability to absorb Vitamin-D also changes.

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Interesting. In Norway my doctors have had a standard procedure to test me for vitamin D almost everytime I visit. And I was low, so the doctor prescribed double dose of it.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thanks Peter for your undying dedication to get the truth to the people. It's sad and infuriating that the world had to come to this. Literal psychopaths run the planet and we will be lucky to survive the terror they have unleashed.

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Thank you for your support.

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Important to have a blood serum test for Vit D levels to know where you are. Many factors effect your levels, amount of sun you get & climate you live in, your weight, comorbidity, etc. There’s lots of research out there to understand your optimum level and how to up your levels. It’s estimated up to 85% of the worlds population is Vit D deficient.

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You mention 50,000 IU of Vitamin D. Is that daily? If it is, this is 10x all previously suggested amounts. It sounds unreasonable.

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50 000 IU is a lot, but they studied different dosages and found that the higher the dosage, the lower the risk for infection.

But even lower dosages give a good effect too, much better than nothing at all.

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50,000 IU does sound high but it is normal to take high potency amounts of a vitamin especially if you are deficient. I’m low of my vit B12 and my doctor advised me to take 1000 mcg daily, which is 41,000% the daily dosage, to help replenish it. Vit B12 and D can be stored in the body for later use as well.

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D3 stays in the body for an extended period, but D2 does not.

D3 and K2 should be taken together.

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And then this sort of thing happens to good doctors prescribing Vit D and Zinc: Dr Eric Nepute faces $500 Billion fines for prescribing Vit D during "pandemic".


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Which points to it being a valuable product that "they" do not want us to have.

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I can attest to this. I take Vit D, C and Zinc daily. Especially during the height of c0vid and have never been sick. Nothing nada, not even a sniffle. Meanwhile fully v@xxed and boosted person that doesn't take vitamins in same household got very sick with c0vid, was sick for 2 weeks.

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Actually, this makes a lot of sense for me. I had blood work done this summer and while I was low on B12, the Dr. said my vit D was really high! This is probably because I live in SWFL and get plenty of sun year round. And I’ve never had Covid.

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Thanks for writing this. At the same time, it shocks and disappoints me that you needed to write it, or that we need to "share it widely." Vitamin D and its ability to improve immune function is, as you so accurately state, "old news." That the media is so captured that such obvious facts are relegated to "conspiracy theories" is the real message of the Great Covid Dumpster Fire™.

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It is vitally important to get your vitamin D level checked periodically.

Last Winter I was taking 4000iu vitamin D daily and in February was diagnosed with hypervitaminosis D.

Because vitamin D is fat soluble you can't pee it out like vitamin C which is water soluble. It takes a long time for your levels to drop.

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022Author

Absolutely, people shouldn't take high dosages without their doctor recommending it after taking blood tests.

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Very disappointed in such a dishonestly written article, and I am a firm believer in vitamin D3. To say such things as “ there would have been 4 million fewer infections with covid…” simply wrong. That’s not how science works. Could have been… perhaps, but depends on a lot of factors. Sorry.

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I believe vitamin d helps. But Im VERY skeptical that taking 50k IU is advisable. I think kidney stones may be one possible side effect of over-supplementing.

My advice, would be to begin supplementing with 5-10k IU max IF you are home-ridden and get little sun in the summer or age is greater than 70. Then follow up with doctor on the next visit.

Otherwise, start with 5k IU and then talk to a doctor, get a blood test to establish current levels, and tell the doctor you wish to supplement to attain a high level.

Doctor may advise against supplementing and point to RCT's showing no benefit. Science always goes both ways. I would just ask for the risks of taking supplements, then tell him you accept the risks.

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I got a $500B lawsuits for telling people this.


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