Feb 13, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Well, garbage does belong in the garbage 🗑️

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That is excellent news, but I am wondering how these bioweapons are being disposed of. If they aren't following proper protocols for hazardous materials, these poisons could affect the water, soil, and wildlife in catastrophic ways.

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They say that they are being destroyed, so I guess they are disposing them in a good way (if we can trust what they say).

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Thank you, Peter. I would love corroboration of that and more specific details regarding the procedure if you are able to do some digging :-)

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Well I'm only going by what the health authorities say here as they are the ones that came with this info. I'll update if I see anything more.

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In light of the record of fatalities and adverse events from the injections numbering in the millions worldwide, does this constitute destruction of evidence?

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I believe a lot of them are being injected into farm animals even as we speak, so we'll get our mRNA innoculations that way...

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Indeed, that is their plan. That’s why I buy from local farmers when possible or order grass-fed, organic meat from services like ButcherBox and Thrive Market.

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You'd better be very careful, even then.🤔

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Avoid eating animals instead. You and the animals will be healthier for it. ✌🏽

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I was a vegetarian for about a decade, and my health suffered horribly for it, despite eating organic foods and avoiding processed products. My CRPhs was off the charts, and my Hashimoto’s was out of control, as were my blood sugar levels.

By switching to a low-carb/high-fat diet (first Paleo, then Primal/keto), I was able to reduce my inflammation levels from very high risk to very low risk while also getting my T3/T4/TSH and blood sugar levels normalized.

Combining a keto approach with intermittent fasting means I often only eat one meal a day, so my meat consumption is minimal. As an animal-lover, I strive to purchase from farmers who treat their animals humanely, raise them responsibly, and allow them to roam free on pastures.

The diet-heart hypothesis; vilification of cholesterol and healthy fats like coconut oil; and promotion of high-carb diets propagated by the USDA and other agencies in collusion with the “food” industry is equivalent to the lies about COVID and suppression of early-treatment protocols we are seeing today.

Government dietary “recommendations” are the slow-motion version of the depopulation pogrom and are responsible for the explosion of Western diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

If COVID hadn’t come along, I would probably be exposing the lies of the food industry and the life-saving effects of transitioning to a low-carb/high-fat template 😊✌️

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Do you eat your meat raw?

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God no!! Always well done: make damn sure the parasites are thoroughly cooked!

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Like they did in Ohio!

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The US government just announced that they are going to buy 1.5 million doses of Novavax, including a re-worked shot for next year.

Makes you wonder who in the Biden administration and government is heavily invested in pharmaceutical stocks?

Corruption, plain and simple.

The state of emergency ends in May.

No one wants the shots that are already available, they will probably need to be destroyed.


Someone needs to go to prison.....

Lots of someones.......

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Sorry for the rant, but I just saw this in the news. Made my blood boil.

Pfizer and Moderna got theirs, now it’s Novavax’s turn.

I want to know who in the USG owns stock in these companies.

They can release Trumps private tax returns (supposedly protected by federal law), but information about Anthony Fauci’s bonuses (bribes) from the pharmaceutical companies is protected information.

Everything in the Western world is upside down.

Our governments are doing things that we used to make fun of when done by banana republics and Eastern bloc countries.


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What are the chances of a new emergency emerging before then?

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Count on it. And, every bit as fraudulent as the previous "emergency".

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 14, 2023

"...who in the Biden administration and government is heavily invested in pharmaceutical stocks?"

All of them.

The state of emergency ends in May.

Right when the WHO is set to vote on the new pandemic treaty amendments, putting us at their whims as to when, where, who, and what we have to do when THEY declare we're in a plandemic. Already at bat, H5N1. Their amendments are for vax on their demand, gulags for people that do not comply.

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There is a silver lining. Biden won’t send that treaty to the Senate for ratification because it will not pass.

Without Senate ratification the WHO treaty or whatever it is not legally binding (even if it says otherwise in the text).

All Biden can do is promise that the US will adhere to the treaty during his time in office.

The next President can decide to flush it at any time.

Same goes with the Paris Climate accords. Trump pulled us out of that horror and Biden put the US back in.

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, not the WHO or the UN or anything else, and the WHO doesn’t have an army to enforce their diktats.

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Sorry, I do not trust our current senators to stand for the people or our Constitution. Many (most?) of them would gladly force vax the populace and put them in gulags.

They haven't stood for free speech and many want to take the 2nd amendment away, too.

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Gee, I hope you're right! That's encouraging news - and we don't get much of that!

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The various Presidents have been doing this for a while now, maybe even before Clinton.

A democrat president will be elected and will want to commit the US to some international treaty or agreement (example: the World Court). They know that such an agreement or treaty will never meet the constitutional requirements to be passed (2/3 of senators are needed for passage.... a pretty high threshold) so they will issue an executive order saying that the United States Govt will adhere to the terms of the treaty/agreement during the term of that particular president. It’s as far as they can go without submitting the treaty/agreement to the Senate.

The next President can kill the previous executive order at his discretion.

And that is the silver lining. Some of this WHO crap may be implemented temporarily, but it isn’t necessarily permanent...... no matter what it says on paper.

And, most importantly, neither the UN nor the WHO have any power to enforce it in the US. It’s all up to the President and Senate....per the US Constitution.

A thank you to the Founding Fathers.....👏👏👏🫡

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No: They need to do some deep inhalations in the gas chamber. Or a "hot squat" in the electric chair. Or a quick descent via the gallows.

Personally I still prefer The Guillotine: Impossible to fake. No ambiguity. Their executions must be public, and televised.

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Fine with me.....

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Think of all the good food and healthy supplements that that amount of money could have bought. Upside is that I think people are questioning all vaccines - even the so-called real ones - and even the conventional medical system. Many doctors (not all) behaved very badly and let down their patients - people won’t forget.

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A lot of wasted money, but at least people didn't take them!

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So true!!! People were awful to those who were not vx'd. Doctors should be ashamed of themselves.

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I really like your substack. You write with clarity and do not ramble on or overthink.

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Thank you, appreciate that!

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

I love the way you put all the pertinent information in a post that is short enough for me to read without losing interest!

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Hopefully more countries will wake up, along with the many people who have realized these so-called vaccines are harmful and deadly.

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But WHY do they want the whole world jabbed??? It’s not just money!! It’s MORE than that! And who are THEY??! It’s NOT Dr Evil and mini me so who it be? Gates? SchWab? Fauci? Blair? Trudeau? Probably all of them and more. But what was the masterplan behind getting us all injected and with what! No-one seems to be asking this question. This goes beyond Pfizer and mere money. It’s telling that the German Dr who worked on graphine technology was murdered by the authorities when he began to speak out about his work in Darlington. Under the British professor who is a world leader in this tech. The good Dr was murdered in police custody!! There are powerful forces behind the Great Reset. Never forget that....

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In case it helps, there's this from ONE of the whistleblowers that I happen to have handy.


The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in "covid countermeasures" enterprise.

Intelligence is never artificial.

Sasha Latypova

Dec 28, 2022



And this, from the same source, that I have yet to finish reading - so much potentially-interesting/useful info, too little time...


Pharma Insider Reveals Irrefutable Evidence of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS, and Pharma Cartel Via the COVID Injections in New In-Depth Presentation

In a new hour-plus-long presentation pharma industry insider Sasha Latypova lays out irrefutable evidence (with all the “receipts”) showing that the COVID-19 injections have been nothing more than a bioweapon unleashed on humanity. Latypova, who worked with 60 pharma companies from all over the world during her career (including Pfizer), also shows how the COVID injections have been entirely the product of the Department of Defense, and how the entire FDA regulatory process for the experimental substances has been a literal fraud. ...


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On the plus side, at least Pfizer or Moderna or whomever, got their money. Bill Gates would likely say, "Mission Accomplished!"

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That's the bad news, it cost tax payers money. But at least people didn't get them!

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...but of course. Facetiousness apparently needs a hashtag. :-)

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$144 million? I can do better: Canada tossed $1billion worth into the trash.

Canada's health care system is in shambles (and was even before covid). I wonder if $1B could have helped in any other way...????

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Not a vaccine!

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In light of the record of fatalities and adverse events from the injections numbering in the millions worldwide, is this destruction of evidence?

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#Canadian #VaccineAudit


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Thanks - I needed (to see) that!

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Germans wasted so much money on those too,

millions expired... all in the trash, more to end up there.

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I've seen an example of these hazardous materials being simply buried, with bulldozers... Into the soil and the water supply and organisms all the way up the food-chain...

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Excellent news brother. Now our turn. Or we rise!

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Get hold of them and analyze them, they can't get away with this shit.

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It's not that easy, because they get destroyed quickly when they are unfrozen.

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Yeah. How about we have a hundred different labs test them to see what’s really in them?

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