How the kings of the earth push the people into begging for a slavery so inconceivable is by not only denying justice, but exacerbate the 'court proceedings' into a more injurious form 'legalized' torture they define as 'justice court'. It's as inverted and as satanic as one could imagine, then it will get worse because mankind cannot imagine an evil this malevolent and is no match alone against a lucerferian governmental structure.

Going before the Courts of Heaven is a redeemed mankind's only hope.

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Insanity. And we are supposed to believe that it is fair and just.

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Welcome to Sweden...

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Not just Sweden…we’re seeing the same insanity here in the US! One of these days, people are going to start applying street justice and it won’t be pretty!

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I totally agree, JudyC. I have been thinking about how societies in the past have effected change when things have fallen apart. In my memory it's usually very ugly for a long time before some change for the better rises up out of the chaos.

So far, I haven't come up with anything of import. But I am going to continue to dig.

Not sure what I'm expecting to achieve by this - preparation? educational? support? There are dark, global forces afoot that have the benefit of instantaneous communication & technological equipment to bend the people any way they want.

As long as these forces do not bend the will of the people, we might have a chance.

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It’s through substacks like this and many others that we can spread the word, as you say, preparation, education and support!

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I totally agree. I think there are millions and millions of ppl just like us who are beyond fed up. Forums like this are one way to connect. We just have to be fleeter of foot and sharper of mind than they are.

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It's already happening and coming to a boil. Tim Pool was talking just today about how some major News outlets are claiming that civil war is on the brink and teh Democrats Corruption and determinization to imprison Trump will push people past the tip and start the war.


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If they manage to keep Trump off the ballot or even worse, let him on the ballot and steal the win, all hell will break loose! And that would suit the Dems just fine. Or Biden declares martial law (because WW3, climate boiling, or whatever the current thingy is), “postpones” the election, etc, etc, etc. and again all hell breaks loose. 2024 is going to be very very interesting, and possibly very dangerous to us all!

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The problem for the Democrats is they know they can't do a repeat of 2020 and use "election reinforcement" to secure a win. In 2020 most Democrat's had no clue how bad or corrupt Biden was but today is another matter. There's a sizeable movement of Lefties claiming they will vote Republican because they want $3 a gallon gas again along with affordable groceries. Biden seriously screwed things up for teh Democrats forcing them to find some other way to keep Trump from the White House.

Because they have most of teh media providing coverage and helping out there is NOTHING the Left won't do to prevent Trump for being president again. He cost those in power way too much when he was in before and the idea of letting him back in to do more of the same must not be allowed to happen. What they are ignoring is teh fact that they, the Left, are loosing support daily and what they are doing with trump is so outlandish that it could be teh spark to civil war.

If they succeed and trump is convicted then some Republican prosecutor in a Red state will find something to charge teh next Democrat president with and the Left will then complain about how that's unconstitutional even if they wait until that president is out of office. The fools are on the cusp of setting a precednet that will destroy things.

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> The problem for the Democrats is they know they can't do a repeat of 2020 and use "election reinforcement" to secure a win.

It's worse than you think. A lot of them think they can.

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You're also supposed to believe that forrests spontaneously combust at an unprecedented rate that makes it now relevant compared to 3 years ago.

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Yeah... I remember MANY years ago when I was a little girl how everyone would panic when it got hot and then the power went off for a length of time. LOL... my 85+ grandfather at the time stripped down to his bvd's and sat on the front porch where God and everyone could see him saying that the world was ending. It didn't then and it is no hotter now - it is supposed to be hot in August and September. VERY HOT!!

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I can believe that there are more wild fires than normal because of the environmentalists successes in preventing things like the proper forest management of controlled burns so fire ready stuff doesn't accumulate make it more possible for a wild fire to take place but the way these fires are playing out hints at nefarious actions.

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No. You are supposed to believe it's fair and also LIKE that ruling. It's not enough to just go along to get along there. In Sweden you best show the immigrants some love or else.

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I cannot understand how the ppl - of any country - aren't crying out about these injustices as you are. It isn't just crime. The governments of many countries are becoming more and more authoritarian. It seems as tho every week I read an article - from independent journalists - about some new circumstance which is eroding their populations' freedoms. Here is one such case from last week: https://slaynews.com/news/major-australian-banks-cash-preparation-cashless-societies/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-newsletter.

There are some places to get this kind of news but you have to seek it out yourself. So many of my friends and family are completely detached from any awareness of what is happening - world wide - or they do not want to hear or discuss what is happening - world wide.

Journalists such as Peter Sweden, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi - just to name a few - along with comedians like Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand - to name a few - and platforms such as Substack and Rumble are one of the last bastions of free and unaltered speech. I thank God for these.

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These Australian banks look to be trying to do this under the guise of being about staffing. Without cash they can run people-less locations, over sized ATM's that are probably powered via some ChatGPT like AI. This is standard practice of the roll-out of anything teh public resists. Claim the change is for one thing when in reality its another. The other stories on ti I found said 3 of the 4 major banks in the nation are looking at going cashless at some branches and not entirely. That's OK because it's just a stepping stone. They've made it very clear they want cash gone so all purchases can be more easily tracked so they WILL get rid of it even if they do it against the publics will. If necessary they'll find enough people in the legislature to vote for it who don't mind loosing the next election or who are planning to retire and have them pass the bill to end cash. And there's nothing we can do about it if they do that because the legislatures are filled with establishment hacks instead of people seeking to do the actual job and for their constituents and not some wealthy investment firm willing to fill their re-election coughers. The only way to stop it is to to stop voting in these establishment hacks.

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Injustice breeding even greater division and Social Anomie towards greater UPHEAVAL is the 'Name of the Game.' BREED TERROR AND INJUSTICE WHEREVER AND WHENEVER POSSIBLE...Endless chaos/crises to overwhelm the Globe until 'The People' cry out an beg to eat insects, worms and lab meat made with human fetal tissue/cancer tumors and celebrate being slaves to the International Central Banker Family Mafia and all their Capo's with the rest of the Mob.

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I'm rather surprised that the court did not sentence HER to 140 hours of community service for objecting!

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Another example of how kindness deters crime, by those who do not share the values of the good people who gave him a place to live and fed him. This is just another example of why discernment is necessary when allowing economic migrants into your home country.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

Absolute in-your-face injustice. Where are all the justice warriors and feminists? Where are the protests? Sorry, astroturfers are not paid to protest real injustice. People are so married to their fake news so they don't see these things. I don't think they'll catch on until they're victims. How long will that be?

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I agree with many of the commenters on this note that it is riding to a boil and when it boils over, it will not be pretty, certainly not in the US. remember this, the 2nd amendment has allowed 300 million plus guns in private hands, that's more than the army has, and many of those in the army are like minded individuals.

I fear a true insurrection, not a peaceful march, if there are more electoral questions in 2024

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There is more than one way to solve a rape crisis... just sayin'. There was NO question that the man was guilty so... I'm sure that eventually people will protect their own?

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Wow. Now time to play devils advocate. If his attempted rape had been done by a native born 17 year old Swedish boy would this same ruling still be seen as outrageous? I ask not b/c I don't believe this is outrageous but because I'm in teh US and cultures differ so I'm not going to assume how Americans would respond to this is how Swedes would respond. Had the guy been captured within days, weeks or just months of the attempted rape do you think the ruling would have been much harsh because the ruling now is more the result of Sweden's no-longer-tough-on-crime-by-immigrants as it once was. Is this soft ruling due to a changing how the Swedish government deals with immigrants or something else? We know the Swedish government lets the immigrants run rampant and do as they please and so I'm assuming this ruling is due to the nations soft stand on dealing with immigrants.

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> If his attempted rape had been done by a native born 17 year old Swedish boy would this same ruling still be seen as outrageous? I ask not b/c I don't believe this is outrageous but because I'm in teh US and cultures differ so I'm not going to assume how Americans would respond to this is how Swedes would respond.

If a White Swedish boy had looked at a girl funny, he would have had the book thrown at him for sexual harassment.

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It could be ok if he had to clean pigsties for 140h.

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What is the judge’s background? Educated where?

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Eat this Julian Assange!

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Aren't woman armed with pepper spray, a knife, hat pin, cattle prod or something...!

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Message from Tommy Robinson for you Peter.


https://twitter.com/ScoopUrban/status/1695884994495844856 If someone can get in touch with Peter Sweden and ask him to DM my colleague at Urban Scoop that would be great thanks.

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Integrationsbeauftragter für die Stadt Bologna, pakistanischer Herkunft,

postete unverzüglich nach der Tat seine Einschätzung:

"Eine Vergewaltigung ist nur am Anfang schlimm, aber dann beruhigt sich die

Frau und es wird normaler Sex."

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