
I cannot believe that this is what has happened to Sweden. Journalism is being criminalized.

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Many teachers in the West are groomers and the justice system protects them: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-catch-a-predator

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Sounds like Canada, after 7 years of rule by Turdeau, is following in Sweden's footsteps.


Luckily, I probably won't be fined $5,000.00 for expressing that. Yet.

However: I COULD still be fined over $5,000.00 for declining to use the ArriveCan app, still be detained against my will, under "quarantine", for 14 days, monitored and hounded by health "officers", and forced to submit to 2 PCR tests.


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Nobody should be surprised at what is happening in Sweden. The massive influx of “Muslim refugees “ has been given a green light long ago. This seems to be sanctioned by the EU as the histeria against type of criticism, even if factual, contra anything related to “Muslim’s” is radically oppressed. It’s extremely sad that people don’t have the right to speak freely about something so effecting they’re social and economic environment.

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There are very few “journalists” in existence anymore, there are only government mouthpieces. State run media. It’s not just Sweden, it’s all of Europe, the US, Canada, etc, etc, etc. The New World Order is going against all those who report the truth or have an audience. This is going to get much, much worse….

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Isn't it weird how the leftists slam Christianity, and especially Fundamentalists, yet they embrace and seek to protect from the slightest disparagement the most fundamentalist religion out there.

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Didn’t something similar just happen to James Okeefe from Project Veritas here in America?

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Hello,, Peter,

This is an outrage.

The politicians and police in Sweden have betrayed the Swwedish people and have become moral cowards, afraid of the Islamic infiltrators that have flooded your country under Socialism under the influence of the proponents of "diversity."

"Diversity" has become a perverse social disaster in Europe, Canada and in the US as well.

i am sharing your report with my readers and email lists.

Best regards,

Robert Morningstar,Substack.com

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To clarify something: under swedish law, the information you publish or share, or what you claim does not need to be false, slanderous or libelous as in not factually correct, for it to count as slander/libel/defamation.

All it takes is the prosecutor convincing the politicians manning the court that it was done with criminal intent to harm the person(s) involved.

Swedish criminal courts are manned by one judge who actually has training in law and procedure, thoug judges are always political appointees, and this judge is aided by between 3 and 5 politicians.

If that doesn't give you the shakes, well, then you've never been to court here.

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"The difference is that in the old east block everyone knew that the media lied and that the newspapers were full of communist propaganda. In Sweden, people are tricked into thinking that we live in a society where we have full freedom of speech and democracy."

A very interesting and insightful statement. We have the same problem here in the US. Everything she reported was factually correct. Like us, there are activist judges undermining our justice systems.

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Disturbing lack of free speech. One day this may be America.

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Does she have a go fund me page? Can she counter sue?

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This is so surprising to learn that a beautiful country like Sweden is heading to a direction where freedom is gradually vanishing. Hope the Swedish people realized this before its too late.

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I understand that.

Very disturbing.

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Duality is non existence fiction bi polar. A DEATH culture that sets the environment for war, climate is duress, nature predatory. Lawyers the ministration of condemnation. Judges the ministration of DEATH. Courts the synagogue of Satan. Police their faithful witnesses. Systemic fraud as to LAW concealing a fraud as to government.

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Herregud, så ledsamt att se vad som händer med Sverige 😢. Thank you for reporting on this outrage. The fact that this is happening all over the world in such a similar fashion, that actions are taken in lock-step and politicians and journalists all over the world are reading from the same script is hard to explain with anything other than a coordinated central effort, apparently aimed at destroying the current world order and replacing it with something else.

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