"In Sweden, thousands of people have already implanted microchips in their hands to use for contactless payments"


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Peter, is anyone challenging this, in either nation, in court?

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We have these chips in Dutch passports too! We can scan to get into our digital ID. People just don’t realise (again) that we soon won’t have any privacy on money anymore or they don’t care as they believe ‘they have not thing to hide’. Until they need another booster even though we know people are dying of it… 14% excess death rates left unexplained and silenced in the media only has a limited amount of time to be ignored and hidden for the majority! People just love government power as they believe they are only for the good stuff, people have no historical sense at all!

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People have no imagination if they think using Digital ID is ok.

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When did they start putting those chips in the Dutch passports?

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I don’t know, I got my passport in 2018 and only found out recently I got log in in my Dutch Digid by scanning it with my phone and using a password

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I got mine renewed in 2017, and it scares me to death to think the bloody chip is in there, I have no phone to try it out.

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Peter, you do know we still have that old law and its corresponding ordinance on the books, that the state (or local representatives) and its authorities and agencies /must/ make available its services to any citizen, based on that citizen's ability to utilise said service et c?

To use myself as an example, I do not use e-mail in any communication with authorities. I have a mail-box, and by law any agency - from (swedish eq. to) DMV to police to IRS to health care or whatever you want - /must/ communicate with me using letters and/or regular telephone.

Any swede not wanting to use e-money, Bank Id or e-mail is perfectly free to do so and may not be denied service by state/local municipality; this has been established by Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen (Supreme Court of Civil Affairs, approx. transl.) several years ago, on the basis that partaking of "the welfare state" is a citizen's right.

That people use chipping, e-money, Swish, whatever is because they choose to, not because they are forced to.

Why they choose to do so - ah! That's the rabbit hole, yes?

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Yeah well I remember the vignette on YouTube of those Swedes with their implanted ID chip they could use to get in and out of their jobs, use the vending machines at work, they were so proud of them, it was "so convenient"... Can't remember now if they need them to start their cars or get in or out of their apartments...


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Dystopia seems to be coming soon to shores near you, wherever you are

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Get rid of all devices!

Cell phone begone!!!

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Peter I was a follower of yours on Twitter until I got permanently suspended. It is nice to hear from you again.

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Although I'm horrified by digital ids

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Contactless card transactions were a stepping stone in my opinion to get the public used to and accepting waving their hand holding their cards as the norm.

We were a cash only business at the start of the scamdemic, some people exhibited

extremely bizarre behaviour.

I had customers refuse point blank to take their change, some insisted we hand sanitised it before they’d take it, others would not take it unless you placed it down on the counter as they didn’t want to take the risk of touching our hands.

I had one customer shout their order from the doorway, when it came to paying they stood a distance away from the counter and lobbed the money at the counter, for their change they then held out a bag at full arm’s length with a bag to drop their change in too.

None of this was normal of course but what do you expect when or government held people hostage for months in their homes and terrorised them. Of course we had customers who saw through the whole charade and said so.

Of course my boss buckled and we got a card machine, which is a pain in the arse slowing the whole process of serving down. We only had two wooden draw tills and all adding up is done in our heads, it’s far quicker than any electronic till this way.

We have some customers now brag how they never carry a single penny when asked if payment is cash or card, these will be the prime candidates that will be at the front of the queue at chipping time.

Ironically though as the cost of living has bitten more people have reverted back to cash to keep track of their spending.

The last 3yrs has outed the stupid who live among us, they made them visible and easy for us to spot and avoid.

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The mindless propaganda worked! I remember explaining how you couldn't catch a virus by doing this or that thing and no one believing me!

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The Swedes are pushovers! Where's their backbone? In my experience (having worked there) they are slow in coming forward, afraid to speak up. Look where it's got them. This is a lesson for the entire world. Speak up! Speak your mind. Call out injustices!!

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A digital ID that is controlled centrally is bad because it is easily corrupitble. But what about a decentralized one?

We have concluded that the solution to all of these problems is that we need to make our own systems that plug into these corrupt ones and override them. We need to create new decentralized and transparent SWARM systems (Human Swarm Intelligence) that any leader of any traditional system can use to decentralize themselves. Then pressure leaders of all systems to do so. We implore everyone to read more. This substack is 100% free: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most

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So, if I lived there I would HAVE To get a phone then to do this as I do not own one......

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Me neither and don't intend ever having one.

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idiots lazy stupid people you all who follow through with this deserve the hardship’s that will come and if you are stupid enough to get the boosters with everything has come out in the. last year or so you deserve the repercussions just dont bring us down with you fema camps are for the vaccinated lol😂

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In the U.K. you can use your iPhone to do the same with your passport. My 18 yr old daughter had to do it 2 weeks ago. And we were all like oh that’s not good!

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Of course you don't, that would be silly of me to assume that you did. Well good for you and YAY. that makes me relieved.

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Will you ever leave Sweden, Peter? And where would you go?

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I don't live there anymore for obvious reasons.

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