
Do you believe the official climate change narrative?

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I have written in opposition to the anthropomorphic climate change narrative since 2013 when I spotted chemtrails for the first time over UK. I stopped dead in my tracks gazing up at them. I previously lived and worked on the beach under a flight path and I had never seen chemtrails before. There is intense and deliberate climate engineering or warfare going on, so how can we talk about the climate without some honesty from our governments and above them all, the Club of Rome which initiated this hysteria in 1972?

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wanting to control another human is the most disgusting aspect of human nature...I understand greed & power, but putting marionette strings on people is VILE!!! (great find by the way Pete)

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In Nova Scotia our rainfall was always moderate but since they started with the planes it's raining constantly & flooding in places that never flooded before. It's taking out infrastruture, but still the planes are in the sky. It's evil.

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Can’t have a honest discussion about climate change until weather modification is included.

Many countries do it!! Spain admitted doing it for tourism and the farmers. There is a company for hire near Mexico that gets hired.

Many countries have ionosphere heaters that can manipulate jet streams/storms and create high/low pressure areas. High winds often result when used. I suspect these machines and winds contributed to the Canadian and Hawaii fires.

Evil governments are trying to sell to the citizens that climate change exists. I suspect they dusted off their weather tools to manipulate the masses. Trudeau shut down 4 northern weather stations a few months ago. WEF governments are up to no good.

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Where I live in Florida, the skies are sprayed constantly

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UK skies are so heavily sprayed that we haven't had a decent clear sky since June!!

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If we are actually heading into a global cooling situation then God help us. Cold is far, far worse than a 1 or 2 degree rise in global temperatures. The effect on crops alone would be catastrophic. We are definitely unprepared for this.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

Get a hold of a copy of John Casey's COLD SUN. Look at the CO2 levels...so much lower than in the past zillions of years.

The entire climate change is crap. It changes whether we are here or not...and if we don't turn this around fast and get rid of the elites pushing this absolute garbage...they are gonna get us down to half a billion, and an ICE AGE will come, and humans will be extinct.

IT IS THE SUN STUPID. or something like the inside of the earth...and we are as ignorant of why as we

have ever been.

The Chinse have been tracking sunspots for years...over 500 of them. Take a look people.

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Good old global warming... it's boiling in Sverige!

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Could be a virus, could be global warming. -46 ❄️

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Hey Peter, please check weerdata dot nl to see that the Netherlands have the most wet few months of all time by a large margin. You see the shift in rain since mid october 2023. It's insane. The farmers are also unable to harvest their potatoes.Since October I haven't seen 1 dry day.Weather modification is a very very big possibility.

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Peter: you fail to understand climate change. When the weather is colder than average that's a sign of climate emergency. When the weather is warmer than average that's a sign of climate. emergency. Same goes for when the weather remains the same as always, because there HAS BEEN a climate emergency, so if the climate is is unchanged it is STILL an emergency. What, you may ask, is NOT a climate emergency. Asking questions like that will get you lying bleeding in a dark alley courtesy of Klaus Schwab's thugs.

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Who does dear Klaus work for? I answer that here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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I answer it here.


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Ah but many of us do not believe in your invisible enemies and prefer to take a more practical view of the situation.

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It must be caused by -- wait for it, wait for it -- GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

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No, I thought it was caused by “RACISM”!!! (Or Trump!)

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First Al Gore predicted global cooling then changed the rhetoric to global warming, then the new catchphrase under Obama was climate change. These so-called experts need to call it weather (Mother Nature) and STHU. These idiots wanting electric vehicles/trucks/busses are too stupid to realize it’s impossible, impractical, and dangerous. All about money and power with declining economies as the outcome.

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Here in England we are just wet, wet, wet. So much rain!

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Yep, confirmed from Dorset which is sodden so that even the hilltop where I live is looking like a paddy field. Interestingly, the cloud cover is still miles thick above us, have you noticed that?

One afternoon there was a brief break in the clouds and I saw above them no less than four planes chemtrailing as fast as they could to close the gap. This is deliberate weather manipulation or even warfare.

This has been so bad since June last year that my son asked "What is in the sky that they don't want us to see?"

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Yes, I have noticed that! In the summer I saw multiple aircraft leaving extensive trails and watched as they coalesced into 'stratus' clouds. The day went from beautiful sunshine to pearlescent grey. Not natural at all! Extremely worrying. I've just started trying to track the aircraft on flightradar24.com. Somehow they need stopping. I'm in North Lincolnshire. I've heard that in Japan they don't have chemtrails.

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Bad this anthropogenic climate warming…

Are you ready for the real threat, ready for the great cold of the 400 year cycle and the great hunger? - https://coronistan.blogspot.com/2022/01/bereit-fur-die-wirkliche-bedrohung.html

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And what is with the pilots who fly these chemtrail planes?

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Heck, “climate change” aside, that’s DAMN COLD!!!!

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wait… summer is coming.. way hotter than last year.

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