Apr 26, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thanks for all your hard work Peter.

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Thank you!

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As a Canadian I’m seething with anger at our WEF stooges and their continual pursuit of irrational measures, combined with our weak sauce pathetic.population wide capitulation to this....you better believe the doublejabbed who talk a good game now will line up again this fall to ‘maintain their freedoms’!!

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Dialog between Dr. Red Pill, CM. Ceaușescu & Kagan Klaus Schwab – Ottawa February 2022

(CM. for Crime Minister)


Dr. Red Pill: Can I ask questions?

CM. Ceaușescu: Of course! Here are the approved questions.

Dr. Red Pill: Can I research?

CM. Ceaușescu: You bet! Here are the approved sources.

Kagan Klaus Schwab: We will help guide you until you reach the approved conclusions.

CM. Ceaușescu: Follow the science!

Dr. Red Pill: Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities!

God damn it! I’ll ask truckers for help.


Follow the science in the EU Parliament:


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Yes I believe lockdowns were wrong, vaccine passports made zero sense, given the vaccinated a false sense of security, as they could still get the virus, transmit it, end up in hospital.

Governments, our so called medical experts never followed the science.

There is treatments, but all suppressed because of a experimental Genetically Gene base therapy called a vaccine, in my opinion doesn't work.

I'm 70 I haven't taken the jab and so far I haven't had virus, but my mental health has suffered, as a result of vaccine passports, which were alienating and discriminatory,

Vaccine passports only there to force people into getting a jab they didn't want.

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It is not over.AIDS that is caused by the bioweapon covid 19 "vaccine" will cause massive amount of deaths in future.Also, spike protein that blocks arteries and blood veins will continue to cause heart attacks and strokes.Thirdly, young people will not be able to reproduce due to the "vaccines" and also constant absorbing of "bacteria killing hand sprays etc" in every entrance and exit you use.Problems are only just starting.Now is the time when immune system power on "vaccinated" starts to get near ZERO. The plan, started 20 years ago to cull humanity begins to work.all governments are in this together.Hitachi made nanotechnology (RFID chip) is in "vaccine" also, and hydrogel called LUCIFERASE that is bioluminescent.the name of that stuff should tell you very clearly why this is done to humanity.

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But that the rest of the world understood this

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Well, Scandinavian countries were the first to remove restrictions.

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My take on what's happening in Danemark and Sweden is that the Globalistan Kaganate has decided to cancel their scamdemic. They're using a face saving approach for it. Some countries like the UK have decided to not publish Covid data anymore...

You'll notice that the Faucistan Kagan is no longer on TV 24/7 in the US anymore and the virus is still out there. Ukraine is occupying the air waves until November (midterm elections in the US)....

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The death rate has been the same the last five years in Sweden. About 90 000 / year. Look at this chart from the Swedish Public Television (scroll down to bottom of the page)


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Figured it was a fascist NWO attack on humanity from day one! The mask mandates were just downright creepy! When the jabs were the only treatment allowed I figured this was about control and digital passports would be next, I just wondered if humanity would except their enslavement by complying!

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A testdemic that ends when the testing stops? That must be unheard of! Except that time in New Hampshire in 2007...

What's next? The so-called treatment (remdesivir) kills more people than the actual illness? No matter what, my trust in media and institutions will definately increase.

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Amazingly the Swedish experience isnt being ignored by the msm and the politicians by all the western nations who implemented draconian COVID measures and restrictions and mask and vax mandates...they all fared way worse than Sweden.

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Look at Euromomo - Maybe the deaths in Europe is going away with the covid panic? Not definite data yet, but it's looking great, except Netherlands:


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