Glad to see. Too bad some of us remain prisoners in our own country so travel anywhere is impossible. Although we can now go into a restaurant in Ontario, we still can't board a plane. My college has chosen to keep passports in place until April, so I still can't go into my office. My husband (federal) is still on leave w/o pay. Likewise, my daughter's university is keeping the pass until the end of the semester so she's barred. My friend lives in BC and can't visit her parents in Ontario. O'Canada.

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Wow- that is insane. I can not believe Canada is this bad.

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Macron must be removed .Ditto Trudeau , Aherne and the scum bag in Australia.

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Please don't forget to include the awful Draghi that we have in Italy. Anyone over 50 in Italy, who is not jabbed, is not allowed to work and is suspended without pay. They actually passed this as a LAW last week. (and we cannot forget, that since October last year, also ALL doctors/teachers/police/school admin are also not allowed to work)

Kim Jung Draghi 👎

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push back from the protesters and truckers has reached a point where the cabals government puppets lies can no longer be stomached, so they distract with a phoney war and creep back a few paces, this has not gone away the plan has many branches which all lead to the same goal, I guess we will now head through a period of surprised increase in death numbers where climate change will be blamed, yet another phoney reason to carbon footprint and restrict everyone, most of the jabbed are dead men walking, wait and see

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This makes me suspicious. Hard time believing this is done because they're suddenly seeing "the truth science" and we're going back to pre 2020. Call me jaded but what's up the sleeves of these bureaucrats?

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Believe it or not, Germany wont lift almost any restrictions, they are even planning a mandatory COVID vaccination for all citizens, unvaxxed are still forced to take a daily COVID test for going to work or /and use public transportation. We will never forget or forgive the totalitarians, who loved to take away our constitutional rights and treat unvaxxed worse than criminals.

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Restrictions are being suspended not removed in France. Just in time for the elections....imagine that!

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