
So if you don't want the state in Norway to spy on what food you eat, you will have to use cash. 1984 was supposed to be a documentary...

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And how long before getting anything with cash is impossible? I am guessing that’s not too far down the road.

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Well that is the way things are going. In Norway almost everyone is using cards now. Very little cash is being used.

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Be very frightened. These steps inevitably lead to the state, or the private entity controlling the database & associated algorithms, having the ability to control absolutely everything.

If they don’t want you to buy pizza, you won’t be able to buy pizza.

If they want to ban travel further than 10km from your registered address, your payment method simply won’t work.

But it gets much darker.

They can at any time require that you receive a particular vaccination in order to maintain validity of your payment method.

Imaging that the “vaccination” is in fact a deliberately dangerous material?

You are sleepwalking into totalitarian tyranny, enabling depopulation.

I’m as sure as I can be that this will be your fate, if you permit this step.

I warned of exactly this over a year ago because there was no benign interpretation of what had already happened to date.

Many of the players involved have long, sometimes multigenerational interest in population control.

Watch out for misuse of those new terminals. I expect one possible misuse will be to require a customer to beep their vaccination status before the terminal will accept your card payment.

The developments outlined in this article is terrifyingly identical to the things I warned about.

People continue to pretend I’m a conspiracy theorist.

Folks: there IS a conspiracy. Nothing theoretical about it.

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Dear Dr. Yeadon!

I was so glad to spot you in the comment section…

we don’t know each other, but I’m one of your fans from the get go of this neverending St. Vitus Dance festival, and since you were driven out of the Twitter, you’ve been missed a lot :)

your lectures and interviews helped me big time in the initial stages, when I, not being a scientist, tried to understand all these biological issues in a little more detail.

I am eternally grateful for the knowledge I have gained thanks to you, to your esteemed brave colleagues and to my personal microbiologist friend, whom you also don't know, but who initially gave me that Ariadne's thread, which has allowed me to navigate through the maze of deliberately created informational chaos.


but what drove me to write this comment is something else you said right here: that you accepted the reality of what’s going on around us because you haven’t found any benign explanation and therefore, the level of evil they radiate must be exactly what it looks like.

this is precisely what I felt in summer 2020, and it’s also the reason why I had no problem (though it was still very painful emotionally) to accept the obvious: the facts and logic have spoken their word, so who am I to turn a deaf ear to what they had to say?

/*btw, was just banned from Twatter for a week just for stating exactly this, without even mentioning the facts, or elaborating on the logic: simply for sharing my memorized subjective impression, which Twitter team deemed “misinformation” :) how in heaven can a subjective impression be “misinformation”? I guess, only Twitter’s Holy Inquisition knows the answer, not us, mere mortals :) lol…/

and it’s so hard to see how many people, genuinely good hearted, mature, well educated (at least, formally) and not at all stupid, time after time opt to ignore this huge herd of overweight elephants in the room, despite the fact that they’ll soon trample them to death :(

and even harder to watch how their best intentions and personal traits turn into their complete opposites and against them and their fellow humans, making them at times behave like a bunch of decompensated malignant narcissists, or sociopaths, while perpetuating the delusion of themselves as selfless and even in some sense heroic warriors, unlike us, whom they were trained to take for either deluded madmen in need for urgent psychiatric intervention, or as coldblooded massive granma murderers, who must be identified, isolated and neutralised, as if we were some kind of social pathogens :(

metaphorically speaking, our society has long been infected with something like psycho-cultural HIV, the signs of which I have been observing and discussing for at least a decade and which over the past couple of years has managed to develop into full-fledged AIDS.

SAD times to live…


again, thank you very much for your impact, and may we all be lucky to see how light defeats these gloomy shadows! 🙏

sincerely yours

Sophia Ostritsky

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Holy crap! Found an article about this in a German blog and came back here. This is horrible, I was thinking about moving to Norway. But now... not so sure anymore :/

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Start working on getting citizenship in another country as a backup plan. But Norwegians needs to push back. I'm curious -- How do Norwegians feel about this? Will grocery stores need to add new software to implement this or can they do this already?

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I already am a citizen in another country ;) I don't think store will need to add any new software for this. The state are just going to demand the data from card payment company and the receipts from the stores.

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Good to hear you have citizenship elsewhere. :) It looks like Norway has a very large Christian population (~68%). It seems like there would be more pushback since this has the characteristics of the "beast" system. In the US, the Church has woken up and is pushing back hard. Hopefully the same will happen in Norway.

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Norway is increasingly secular. The numbers of registered "Christians" are massively inflated because until recently, you were enrolled in the state Lutheran church at birth unless your parents opted out. But on an average Sunday, those state churches play host to 2-5% of the local registered Lutherans. Actual practicing Christians are a (sizeable) minority, mostly in other Protestant denominations.

Norway has three main reasons for a lack of pushback:

1. The government has a high level of trust, and this is actually deserved in many ways. They don't govern by histrionics, but by teamwork and compromise. Corruption and crime are low compared to other countries, both in government and the populace at large. Their approach to Covid was actually much more reasonable than most western countries.

2. The unofficial "Law of Jante" which is basically a culture of social conformity. Norwegians don't like to stick out from the herd.

3. The average standard of living is much higher than most of the world, even among western countries, and resources are relatively evenly distributed. So people are generally very content with their lives and don't want to rock the boat.

So basically, Norway is already a social democratic nanny state in many ways, but it's been a pretty good nanny so far. But this means that the entire country is rolling along the rails towards totalitarianism, and most of the citizens are just admiring the scenery rather than trying to change directions.

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Well, most people use apps and the like to get 'discounts'.

The state, then, doesn't have to obtain any data from the card provider (which would be easier = cheaper), but a 'workaround' may be the automated data provision by supermarket apps etc.

Also, don't forget that most 'memberships' in 'bonus clubs' and the like here in Norway are connected to one's cell phone number (as is the BankID and the phone-wallet app 'Vipps').

Sadly, no-one (but me and my wife) pays cash…

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The state has access to people's phone numbers with the phone number connected to the BankID. I wrote about that in detail in an earlier article! Most people, like 99.9% I've seen in Norway pays cashless...Convenience of course!

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I know, since I live in Norway.

Btw, 'my' bank recently told me that, in terms of pocket money, kids as young as 7 can get 'their own' debit card (as long as it's connected to either 'their' bank account or their parent's…)

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Same in the USA. You are smart to use cash. I should but it's too late now.

Sadly, even anonymized data provided by companies to data brokers can be re-identified and is being used against us. This data collection needs to stop. https://anonyome.com/2020/12/re-identification-of-anonymous-data-is-scarily-simple/

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You know, the weirdest part was when we started doing that here in Norway, you end up at ATMs. First time we took out cash, we got an (of course electronic) letter by 'our' bank informing us that we would have 8 fee-free withdrawals per year.

I've lived in 'the US' (NYC) for a stint a couple of years ago, and I know from personal experience that fees for everything are insanely high and common. US$ 3 for any transaction here for this, US$ 15 for receiving a wire transfer there, and the like.

It's very different here: same-day electronic payments are the norm, no transaction fees, etc. Most people seem to be fine with it, I'm perhaps too old to remember the pre-internet days, hence my reluctance to embrace this brave new world…

By the way, paying cash is still the thing to do for vitually anything below a couple of thousands of US$ or Euros.

Re the data (ab-) use: yep, the data is already being sold and resold to third parties, that much is clear. So far, gov'ts were not permitted to acquire them legally (even though I suspect that they already do, mainly via subsidiaries, private contractors, and the like), hence while I do object to these practices, I also think that this gov't-led push, certainly in cahoots with big business and high finance, is a way to 'streamline' these processes and thus cut operating costs.

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“They say it is important to find "regional, demographic, and social differences in food consumption". WHY is it important? Norwegians need to start asking questions and demand answers, not some ‘cause it’s important’ flim flam excuse to shove socialism down their throats

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They seemingly just want to do it because "statistics". Total control in the excuse of statistics. Thankfully, from what I've seen online many Norwegians are upset about this. One comment I saw called the country a "banana republic"...

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Yeah, statistics—as if that means something—total control, you hit the target.

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UN Agenda 21-2030 GOALS


 One World Government

 One globally controlled cashless currency

 One global central bank

 One global military

 The end of national sovereignty

 End All privately owned properties (except some elites)

 End of the family unit

 Depopulation, control of population growth and density

 Endless mandatory quackcines

 Universal basic income (austerity)

 Microchipped society (for trade, travel, tracking and control)

 Implementation of a world social credit system

 Internet of things (IOT), everything hooked to 5G monitoring including your body

 Government raised children

 Government owned and controlled schools (education)

 End private transportation (no more owning cars,…)

 All businesses owned by government/corporations

 Restriction of non-essential air travel

 Settlement zones (concentration of humans in cities only)

 End of private farms livestock and irrigation

 Restricted land use, end of single family homes

 Ban on natural non synthetic drugs and medicines


You will own nothing and be Happy!!!


World Enslavement Foundation (WEF) Cult.



Jim Jones


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In my view, it is not a coincidence that Big Brother initially rolls out such spy tactics in cohesive, high-trust Norway.

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Not only Orwellian, but Satanic.

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I guess the people of Norway are sheep to be fleeced as well. Go onto your Private Property Security Register and register yourself as the secured party against all claims from Govt- Corporations and investors.

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"What if this information gets in the wrong hands?"

It is already in the wrong hands, because the very fact that this is happening proves, without a doubt, that Norway's government is the first thing that got into the wrong hands. I do not want here to stigmatize Norway, as I don't know of any government in the world that hasn't fallen into the wrong hands.

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Norwegians are generally non confrontational, in my experience, at least publicly. Unfortunately, I suspect that most will simply go along with this plan because it will be easier for them to do so, at least in the short term.

(FYI, in English, the past tense of the infinitive "to pay" is "paid" not "payed'. Your English is far better than my Norwegian but I thought you might want to know the correct word for future articles.)

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Many Norwegians simply go along with things because of convenience. Like how all the young people use only card to pay even for small amounts. I do think if people knew what was happening, there might be some protests against this tracking of food purchases however. I don't think people are too happy about it.

Thanks, I do know it is supposed to be "paid", I must have missed it in editing. English is only my third language so there might be some mistakes here and there though... :)

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I apologize if my comment came across in a critical manner. I am married to a first generation Norwegian and his parents were always trying to explain things to me when we were first married and I was trying to learn their language. Your English is WAY better than my Norwegian ever was! I eventually gave up when my Mother-in-law told me that my accent was too strong for her to understand anything I said!

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From what I've heard, some americans have started using fractional silver in clubs, and silver as payment in general for goods and services. I'm a true believer of the power of discretion, anonymity and cryptography, and that's why I'm working on a broader concept, a community currency you can roll out tomorrow. I have a couple of articles if you find this exciting.

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Lol they already do this in the USA. They just use barcodes and told the stupid people to put their phone number in, even though it never really gives you a discount on anything.

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This has got to be the sickest fucking thing I've heard lately, people must be really brain dead to even go along with something as dystopian as this bullshit. Notice how B gates recently has stated that BUGS are a good source of protein. Additionally this fucking criminal was recently given approval to buy up massive amounts of prime farmland, via the "non profit" B&M GTS foundation, to become the LARGEST farmland owner in the US. This guy is NO farmer. Seems like it will be kept of the market FOREVER or "gifted" to the GOV.. What's shocking is how easily people just seem to believe everything WO independent thought or even attempting to see facts for themselves. It would seem the average person now suffers from so much cognitive dissonance as to be completely useless in anything that requires independence of mind, rendering them nothing more than lambs led to be slaughtered. Some seem to have regressed to a level just above that of a farm animal. All one has to say is NO!, They cannot/will not, shoot everybody.

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Great to meet you brother. I’m Shannon’s Ire on SubStack. In Alaska

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