This is called "kidnapping" in a society that has a rule of law, and it is a felony.

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Communism in Norway.

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We’ve arrived to a similar dystopian state here in America... going after Drs license & questioning their sanity during Covid ... Dr Tess Lawry in Maine is example physician in Maine ... she needed to go for “RE-education” ... currently fighting her case

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UNLAWFUL CONFINEMENT British Columbia Canada. On Dec 08.21, Dr. Mel Bruchet, an 81 year old family physician for over half a century, was taken from his home in handcuffs by several RCMP officers to the psychiatric ward of the local hospital and HELD AGAINST HIS WILL. https://www.bitchute.com/video/t4mY4Mhi6XUa/

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Similar things are happening in America. I for one will not go quietly into their dark night! Let them put us ALL in their sanitarium, until we burst the walls and reverse places! Great story to share with the world. Thank you!

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Almost exactly what is happening to me.

I had been sending text messages to the wife of Ky’s commissioner of public health, trying to get him to stop his insane covid policies that were destroying our state. His daughter and mine had played soccer together and I had coached his daughter which is how I had his wife’s number. I never once threatened them or stalked them. I simply sent links from other doctors and scientists. He filed an EPO against me for “electronically stalking” him and even though had never even had a conversation with me, claimed he could diagnose me as “mentally unstable” and showing “psychotic behavior.” I graduated from one of the best colleges in the country, am a business owner, and my wife of 28 years is the medical director of a behavioral health clinic, and his EPO was filled with lies, but that didn’t stop the state police and sheriff from showing up at my door and confiscating all my firearms. This was 6 months ago and the hearing is set for next month. This guy is personally responsible for the death of thousands of Kentuckians and I am having to defend myself in court for trying to stop the crimes.

Yeah, I get it. They will come for anyone who questions their bullshit.

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Back in 2020 I started collating data as there was a UK Government committee that reportedly said that anyone refusing the shot was mentally ill and should be detained. At that point I started collating all the data I could find as I was darn certain I was not going down without a monumental fight. We live in dark times

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British Columbia did this to a doctor in 2022 I believe. Under Trudeau, don't expect any kind of justice or protection of rights. We're in a bad place in the West.

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Democracy is mob rule. If 51% say kill the others the others must be killed. The United States is a federation of 50 republics. God wins. Nature wins. Democratic systems are profoundly satanic.

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Something similar happened to me in 2021, it is a long story - "kidnapping", but I was in for three weeks (21 days) as there was a shortage of beds and I had to take tablets. There was no money for lawyers. It is a long story. They got away with wrongfully admitting an older person (I am in my 60's) based on lies and false admission report by a social worker.

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I have just read this & I am horrified. I believe there is no democracy, it is only a word which is used. This does not happen in a democracy, it really is horrific. Oh the times we are living in! Live each day to the full as we never know what is around the corner.

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There's a new term in vogue amongst those self-imagined betters today known as "evidence-based reality." As in, the government's narrative. True or untrue as that may be. The Aspen Institute is a sort of baby World Economic Forum. While US based it has international reach.

Aspen Institute on Information Disorder


About the Commission:

"3. How government, private industry, and civil society can work together in the short term to help protect underrepresented groups, and engage disaffected populations who have lost faith in evidence-based reality"

And these are the types of people who get to say what "evidence-based reality" is:


So, if you engage in civil disobedience, oppose false government narratives about masks, jabs, elections, climate change, gender, etc. then you will be diagnosed as suffering from a mental illness. Because you've lost faith in evidence-based reality. You're dissociated from reality, e.g. insane. A trip to the psychiatric ward. Maybe Maoist 'reeducation camps' can help you with your illness?

Or maybe not, and you'll be considered a useless eater? My comment reply contains a 2002 article on 'Useless Eaters' published by Catholic Culture. It points out exactly where this all is going. Unless we learn from history. Do not be bullied into apologizing for pointing out this truth by the fake Jewish spokesperson organizations who decry any comparisons as antisemetic or outrageous. They are fronts for the very same ideology that drove Nazi's, the eugencists who believe in a master class ruling lesser humans, rid of useless eaters. The Anti-Defamation League and most Jewish "leaders" are corrupted from their professed values. They serve the Masters.

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They lock up the sane in the service of insanity. They prosecute the innocent and release the criminals. They send SWAT teams to kick down the doors of grandmothers. They pay doctors to kill patients. They insist that parents deliver children to drag queens. They insist that it is normal to lust after children. They insist that children be allowed to chop off their genitals.

This is the way things should be, they say. Because they are psychopaths.

And they are just getting started. None of us will ever be safe again. Unless we force them into the open. And deal with them as the poisonous snakes that they are.

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Both Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Meryl Nass were goaded to comply with a psychiatric evaluation from their state Medical Boards. Neither acquiesced to this form of intimidation. Apparently their were 'anonymous' complaints against them. Both have suspended medical licenses now.

Sherri Tenpenny wanted to get the word out on social media that because of her medical license suspension, her CLINICS ARE OPEN and in business. Her suspension does not affect her medical clinics.

Revoking a license -- means you lose a medical license forever.

Suspending is different. It is a temporary measure until meeting certain demands.

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"I am beginning to ask myself if we are actually still living in a democracy."

I think that is happening all around the world. And the answer is "no" unless we accept the totalitarian's definition of democracy.

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Pretty frightening. During the height of the pandemic nonsense a woman in Victoria here in Australia was visited by the cops just for posting on Facebook about an upcoming anti-lockdown protest (which she wasn't even organising). Most Western "democracies" are well on the way to Fascist states.

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