It will become news or the norm everywhere Pfizer et al hasn’t paid for enough influence, and where WEF doesn’t have a sufficient number of infiltrators.

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Let's see.

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We can only hope

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Bang on

Here in Canada, they have the most infiltrators

I bet 90% vaxed

If everyone who’s vaxed dies ,it’ll be a very lonely place!!

Ontario health dude just recommended parents to mask up their sick child while in their own home


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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Australian ‘experts’ have come to the same viewpoint ....but they’re not advertising it on mainstream media either...I suspect that the plan is to say nothing too publicly, whilst quietly issuing the updated policy to doctors....or rather, giving doctors permission to openly ‘not recommend’ the jab to some cohorts, without fear of losing their license to practice medicine

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Probably is what they will do.

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I’m also in Australia but not hearing this. Qld Health and our Premier and Health Minister all saying to get another jab.

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Joy it was on a Channel 9 news report about a week ago. .....citing ‘due to the increased risk of myocarditis’ they are considering not recommending boosters for 30 and unders. I have saved the clip but unable to post it here.

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Fourth vaccine dose unlikely to be approved for under-30s due to myocarditis risk

Australia’s vaccine advisory body is unlikely to approve a second Covid vaccine booster for under-30s due to the increased risk of myocarditis.


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Ive spoke to 3 GPs here in UK, they are all 'quietly' telling their patients NOT to take anymore.

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That's very interesting. Our surgery now has a pre-recorded message on the phone before anyone answers. It says if you think you're having a heart attack or a stroke, phone 999. They know something has changed but won't admit it.

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The cover up can’t continue. My husband is a taxi driver and 6 of his customers are dead. One lady with learning disabilities dropped dead, others heart attacks, blood clots and people just explaining they don’t feel well and ulcers not healing. It’s not good.

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Many at work are talking the booster even my vaccine injured boss 😂🤷‍♀️

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He wants to take more?

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He will "die suddenly."

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Poll Correction: No

I was reading the article via my mobile email app. For the opinion poll I touched "No", which seemed to have no effect. I then touched "Are you taking the booster?". This touch appeared to have effect. The article opened in my web browser. However, the poll then showed I supposedly touched "Yes".

I will NOT be taking the booster.

Or the second dose or the first, or any vaccine or gene-therapy or injectable toxin.

I do not take/use vaccines at all since 19 yo and I have taken/used near zero medicine for nearly 34 years.

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So currently only 1% has voted for taking the booster in the poll...Judging by your comment it is probably 0% in reality then lol.

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You forgot to mention that the NIPH (FHI) CONTINUING to recommend a booster doses (tested on 8 mice?) to

- pregnant (!) women in their second and third trimesters.


- adults aged 65 years and above

- adults aged 18-64 years with underlying risk of a severe disease course

- adolescents aged 12-17 years with severe underlying conditions.

Unfortunately, I see no reason to sing hallelujah yet.

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From the articles in Norwegian media it seems to be mainly older people that they say should get the boosters. They didn't mention pregnant women, but I'm sure they say that somewhere in their statements.

Still, should be pretty big news that some of these top doctors say they won't take it themselves.

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They want the old people to die.

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I don't think they do in Norway. But there was a scandal in Sweden when covid hit that they just let the elderly people die without giving them medical treatment. That was evil.

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A good portion of the elderly population was culled during covid by:

- withholding (denying) early effective treatment

- overdosing locked down elderly residents in LTC

- ventilating along with over medicating in hospital

- DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders.

Quite a number of those who survived (over 80) were first in line to be vaccinated, over and over.

Many were felled in 2021 and 2022 by:

- sudden and very aggressive cancers

- heart attacks

- strokes

Many many elderly folks who were doing very well, general health wise, prior to Covid, and who did NOT die with, or from Covid in 2020 (many of whom did catch and survive the virus) died soon after the injections were rolled out in January of 2021.

Many elderly residents of Rest Homes suffering from Alzheimers and dementia were injected without their knowledge or consent.

Quite a few "uzeless eaterz" were removed from government medical plans and government old age pension rolls, worldwide, since February of 2020.

Due to death.

Anecdotal data from Canada, the USA, the UK and Italy is all very similar.

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Everything you wrote it true.

It is horrible to read in such a concise manner.

I hope everyone who murdered the elderly burn in hell.

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In the US, the evil ones definitely wanted the old people to die. We have granny killing governors here who shipped covid positive patients back to the nursing homes to infect everyone else.

New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan...it goes on and on.


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I myself could not believe my eyes when I saw this!

Booster doses

New booster dose before the coming autumn/winter season

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) recommends that the following groups should take a booster dose of coronavirus vaccine before the coming autumn/ winter season:

adults aged 65 years and above

adults aged 18-64 years with underlying risk of a severe disease course

adolescents aged 12-17 years with severe underlying conditions

pregnant women in their second and third trimesters

For most people this will be their 4th dose, but for those with severely impaired immune systems, this will their 5th dose.


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It's hard to accept that your own government wants you dead.

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...all the categories of people that they want disabled or dead.

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Eugenics is alive and kicking ass!

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UDATE 5: Fertility, Pregnancy and Infants ~ this article includes the link to the just released 'WORLD PREMIERE: DIED SUDDENLY'..... We Must All Watch This Video! It includes visual proof from a cardiac surgeon and Morticians. You will directly see the damage! https://arrowd.substack.com/p/fertility-pregnancy-and-infants

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"should really think twice before taking the booster"

Still plenty of people out there who'd need to "think" several times and still not get it.

Still plenty of people out there who think Oswald was a crack shot.

"In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first. We see one nation suddenly seized, from its highest to its lowest members, with a fierce desire of military glory; another as suddenly becoming crazed upon a religious scruple; and neither of them recovering its senses until it has shed rivers of blood and sowed a harvest of groans and tears, to be reaped by its posterity.

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."

Mackay, 1841 - Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds

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They actually have a poll on NRK, Norwegian state broadcaster asking if people wan't to take the booster after this news. Almost 50% said they would take it in that online poll. Incredible.

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Oswald and the "magic bullet."

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Surprise, surprise!

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I understand that younger people are more at risk from the shot, and less at risk from Covid, but.....I am 65, long ago regretted the first jabs (my husband and I both had complications, although didn't end up in the hospital, and no doctors involved, at least partly because we don't trust doctors anymore!!). Anyway, why are boosters not being stopped across the board? Why? Why do older people believe they will still benefit from these shots? Especially if they have already survived actual Covid (again, not tested, don't trust the doctors....but almost absolutely sure.

Older people have weaker immune systems anyway, in most cases. So what will the shot even do to protect them from a disease that has evolved to be mild? I came to believe very quickly that there was a net negative effect to the shots. And not only younger people. My head truly spins with the contradictions.

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Well, I guess their logic is that older people have worse immune system and more frail therefore they should get the boosters, because they are so very safe and effective!

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With respect, that’s illogical, though I think you know that!

If the logic is that the elderly have poorly responsive immune systems which are slow to respond appropriately to a pathogen, I similarly argue they won’t benefit from a vaccination on precisely the same grounds.

The lack of efficacy of flu vaccines in the elderly supports this concern for illogical reasoning.

Instead, if there really was a pandemic, early treatments that don’t rely on ones immune system is the appropriate path to take.

This exchange underscores why vaccines, even if they were properly designed, tested & manufactured (& none of these three apply) would still be a stupid strategy, doomed to failure.

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AS an A&E nurse in England of almost 30 years, I have only ever seen a handful of patients present conscious in ventricular tachycardia. Since this moderna bivalent junk has been administered, I have seen 10 people present with this arrythmia. 7 had a significant cardiac history. 4 did not revert to sinus rhythm with intravenous amiodarone and required electro cardioversion. It makes me wonder how many of these sudden deaths are pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

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I would also wonder why so many of the elderly, and some not so elderly, have such compromised immune systems? Age is, of course, a factor, but many have been subjected to varying degrees of metabolic poisoning throughout their lives. Glyphosate, for example, is an insidious poison which (very slowly) destroys the cardiovascular system (goodbye glycocalyx) as well as destroying both vitamin D3 production and activation, as the wonderful Dr. Seneff has tried to warn us about for quite a while. She has also noted that those countries worst hit by covid were heavy glyphosate users. The phosphates in fertilisers also contribute, in that they contain 100+ times more ionising radiation (uranium) than natural soil. Not to mention the plethora of medications many are taking today; statins, beta-blockers, PPIs... The list is nearly endless, though often starts with an insane number of childhood vaccinations.

As far as (conventional) vaccines for non-respiratory conditions go, is not the basic idea solid? Introduce a somehow weakened version of the pathogen to the immune system and it will respond. I think that both urine therapy and homeopathy use this principle. The pharma produced vaccines are filled with extremely toxic substances; the idea being they will last longer (or maybe it is really that we will not). I know this is basic to you, and I have 1/1000000th the knowledge on this subject; but I wonder if you agree in principle?

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UDATE 5: Fertility, Pregnancy and Infants ~ this article includes the link to the just released 'WORLD PREMIERE: DIED SUDDENLY'..... We Must All Watch This Video! It includes visual proof from a cardiac surgeon and Morticians. You will directly see the damage! This video must get out into the public around the world. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/fertility-pregnancy-and-infants

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FTX, Ivermectin, Harvard and The Entire Pandemic All Connected? If you investigate even a little bit it becomes blatantly obvious.


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I heard that the infamous FTX crypto company funded a study against ivermectin.

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I want modern medicine turned upside down. We need to start from scratch. Keep what's good and throw away the rest.

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There's plenty of good like antibiotics, and plenty of bad like anti-depressants and things like that. Sadly some people see all the bad parts and then just say everything is bad, which it is not.

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There are no good antibiotics. You have a lot to learn. There are quite a few alternatives that will cure any infection without damages.

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Urine therapy will do that. I have personally witnessed someone recovering voice after 2-months loss in a day. I also once got a horrendous, and extremely painful, infection in a place where no one of the male gender ever wants one. Cured in 1/2 day using topical (just dipped it in a cup) and oral urine therapy. Whatever, I've not taken any medication for 45 years, either OTC or prescribed (sans a couple of headache tabs for a toothache over 10 years ago).

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Yeah, like chanting, eating raw food and will of thought

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Or use evolutionary principles (no chanting, raw food, or will power necessary):


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Booster tested on 8 mice.

I hope the doctors that recommended it get sued...or charged with attempted murder.

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Noooo, it's safe and effective, didn't you hear? :D

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This is truly a sad time in our lives. Tyrannical institutions governed to look for a profit, instead of the overall wellbeing of the people they serve!

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They want us dead.

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You are golden. My mom thought I was a conspiracy theorist despite my pleading warnings to avoid the jab. Despite my knowledge of jabs and other childhood health issues. Despite my seeing jab injuries at work nearly daily. Despite my following pharma crime stuff for decades. But, she loves Norway. Always has being my grandfather was born there. I mention Norway in my book, twice. You can find GASOLINE -Observations After New Covid Inoculations, here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_p_kb_dp&asin=B0BBYQRYF3&tag=kpembed-20&amazonDeviceType=A2CLFWBIMVSE9N&reshareId=H7N0WWRNNX6B6830D88J&reshareChannel=clipboard

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You should visit Norway. It is a beautiful country.

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It certainly isn't news here in Sweden. Nothing Covid-related is. It's all Russia, climate, racism, and EPA-tractors suddenly becoming so lethal they must be banned.

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Wow, exactly the same here in the United States minus the tractors (but everyone is glossing over the fact that China is buying American farmland). I'm now realizing that most countries have been under the same globalist attack.

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Our journalists generally look at US news (MSNBC, CBS, CNN, NYT, WaPo, twitter pundits of the politically correct hue and Reuters/AP) and then dumb it down even further, knowing full well that fewer than 1/1 000 of their target audience will ever check their sources.

And if you do check their sources and point out how they mislead or even outright lie, you're a right-wing extremist and a fascist...

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So sorry about that. For us, they throw in some extra things like white nationalist Christian. Just out of curiosity, are they playing those cards as well?

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It was all BS all along they really don’t know what they are doing and finally admitted it when it is safe to do so. Meanwhile doctors who did speak out early got their medical licenses revoked.

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I write for Substack also...this is my most recent article. UDATE 5: Fertility, Pregnancy and Infants ~ this article includes the link to the just released 'WORLD PREMIERE: DIED SUDDENLY'..... We Must All Watch This Video! It includes visual proof from a cardiac surgeon and morticians. You will directly see the damage! https://arrowd.substack.com/p/fertility-pregnancy-and-infants

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