You are over the target if you are drawing fire, as they say. Please continue to write your great stuff.

When they shut all of us down, we are in trouble, but people like you are our firewall against tyranny.

Thank you for sticking with it!!

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It's a little weird as many other people who are political on Instagram get to stay, but not me. They must've read my Substack and decided not to like me lol.

Thank you.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Did you generally have any text accompanying your posts on Instagram or was it really just a bunch of nature photography they banned? If so that’s bizarre, and I wonder what process they went through and what governments, directives, and databases it involved.

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I had accompanying text saying things like "beautiful mountains in Norway".

My Instagram account was not political, so the only reason I got banned is because they didn't like what I write here on Substack for example.

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sorry for that,

but beautiful pictures!

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Thank you! Look what Instagram did, they robbed people of these beautiful photos...I'll just have to post them on Telegram instead!

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Those of us who choose only one social media platform would love to have you share your pictures on Substack. I just posted a "political" essay and I have to admit I'm sick of politics. Reminders of beauty are greatly needed.

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just joined your telegram - Thanks 🙏

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Thank you!

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Keep up the good work Peter!

Cheers from Hungary!

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Thank you Mark!

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Most important thing for all is to stand our ground. Your doing great work brother.

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Thank you Shannon.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Frans Kafka sin bok: Prosessen, one person was banned without court and justice for something unknown and they wouldn't say what he was charged of - Be brave Peter and watch your steps, have a Nice trip to my country Norway,🥰👍

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Thank you. I live in Norway now actually :)

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Isn't the logic something like this?

If the prisoner is ignorant of his crime, he is proving ignorance of the law and/or proof of trying to deceive the court; therefore no matter the prisoner's guilt re: the initial crime, the prisoner is guilty of being ignorant of the law and/or trying to deceive the court.

A state, or other actor of similar presence utilising such logic cannot be fought or defeated with logic or reason or truth, only by force.

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Consider what happened to Julian Assange. Seymour Hersch on the other hand is probably lucky to be alive; possibly the only thing protecting him is the fame he's built up over the years. Or consider muckraking journalist Micheal Hastings whose Mercedes "raced out of control" in 2012 and struck an overpass pylon, or DNC Staffer Seth Rich murdered in 2016; nasty rumours refuse to go away, of how he was the source of Wikileaks' story of Hilary Clinton and John Podesta's email, not "Russian Agents".. How about Anne Heche? Unsubstantiated rumours continue to circulate of how she was going to blow the lid of a Hollywood pedophile ring before her car like Michael's, raced out of control...

With a little bit of digging you can likely find dozens of stories of whistleblowers and independent journalists whose lives ended in tragic, bizarre accidents or whose careers and lives were ruined by malevolent smear campaigns. Have a look at what happened Judy Mikovits or Andrew Wakefield; they were some of the lucky ones.

Be careful, Peter...

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If I disappear under mysterious circumstances, just know I'm not suicidal...

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What about the late Danny Jowenko one of the foremost building demolition experts in Europe on Dutch TV? He was shown WTC 7 imploding into its own footprint at freefall speed despite not being hit by anything on 9/11. His reaction was " That's controlled demolition, they destroyed the supporting columns ,a team of experts did this . " His eyeballs nearly popped out of his head when told it happened the same day ."That can't be !". He died a few months later after allegedly running off the road and hitting a tree on his way to church .

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Just yesterday, MSM News had an article about Hollywood celebrities that have been canceled because of their profession of Christ and even more who were never offered any more jobs because they refused to have sex with Harvey Weinstein. And Corey Feldman, who threatened to expose the climate of pedophilia in Hollywood. America has become the epicenter of perversion and corruption in the world.

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I'm 63 years old. I have never encountered, read or heard of, the depths of corruption I've experienced since the Covid Fraudemic started but especially after Poopypants Biden's false election. Honestly, the closest comparison to what we're going through was reading Gaius Seutonius' "The Lives of the 12 Caesars" written in the year 121 AD. The craziness, corruption and depravity -- and sheer shithead malicious incompetence we're experiencing -- is I think, worse.


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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

PETER - I would actually love to subscribe or just give you a one time gift but I do not use Apple Pay and I never will. Do you have any other payment options? I don't use PayPal either - I have divested myself of much of big tech and am glad of my choice - thanks to you and others like you telling the truth. Kc

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Thank you Kasey. If you want to support me with a paid Substack subscribtion, you should be able to just use any card to do so here on the Substack website, you don't need Apple Pay :)

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Peter, my sister is close to age 70 and she started bleeding like she was having her period. She ended up getting a hysterectomy. She took 4 Pfizer shots. Her husband did and so did her son and his wife. I tried to inform my sister, but she has deaf ears, but I notice now she's thinking I was right all along, but her ego would never tell me I was right. Our big brother, big Geisinger hospital is still forcing the mask in Danville Pa, and they are still pushing the Covid shots, but another hospital here has ended wearing the mask. . Good to hear from you Peter. Keep fighting and I will, too. More & more people are waking up. Even nurses have confided in me that we're right about these killer vaccines and mask wearing.

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So sorry to hear that about your sister. I just turned 71. I refused to get the death jab. Pfizer must be held accountable for crimes against humanity. Our medical establishment is corrupt and owned by Big Pharma.

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I'm so sorry to hear that, truly horrible.

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This is very frightening

Ps you take beautiful photos!

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Thank you Josie, photos has been a hobby of mine for a long time which is why I used Instagram for that as it's a platform for photos.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Well, silly me. I just saw only the Apple Pay icon at the bottom and did not proceed. I will continue then. Thank you for your hard work. :D

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I wish I could contribute Peter but right now my finances are in the tank. My husband just lost his left leg and has a long road to recovery. That leaves us with one paycheck but when I can, I will contribute. What they're doing to you is horrible and someday they'll pay a price for it, until then I'll pray and continue to share your posts wherever I can. God bless you and stay strong!

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So sorry to hear that, hope he gets a good recovery! And please don't pay if you can't afford it :)

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Good for you Peter! Be brave and follow the Truth wherever it takes you. It will set you free! Blessings today from Canada.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

I will always support truth seekers like Peter Sweden!

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Hei Peter Imanuelsen.Thank you for the truth news💚

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Your photos are absolutely beautiful. My son and his family vacationed in Norway for one week. Not long enough he said, but they all enjoyed their visit and the culture. Sorry to hear your account was censored--definitely means you’re hitting the 🎯 and they can’t allow that. Free speech in short supply.

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