Peter, I'm in the US so I don't know the law in Sweden. Is the govt. to remain neutral on speech? If so, giving money to this group would violate that principle, big time.

There are many Holocaust survivor family members and survivors such as Vera Sharav who say exactly what the British politician said. Some say, this is worse. They know the Holocaust happened as they or their family members survived it. Clearly, this is an attempt to silence anyone who points out the truth concerning these injectables. I despise this behavior.

They don't have an argument to make. All they have is smears and lies. Otherwise, they should make a clear argument as to why what other people say is wrong.

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Our state (the bureaucracy or civil service) is supposedly an formally neutral but since it is madeup out of party members that works about as well as you might expect: not at all.

Also, due to the several generations long rule of the Socialist Democrat Party, the state, the Party, the civil service - the whole apparatus is so comingled you can't tell where one stops and the other begin. Add to that the party-run unions and the deep ties between the party and the dozen and a half families owning 90%+ of the swedish economy, well you get the picture.

Many opponents of the current system, be they reds or otherwise, call it "demokratur"; 'demo-' from democracy and '-kratur' from 'diktatur', dictatorship in swedish.

Virtually all swedes age 40+ grew up with only state media and regime loyal media an view all other sources with deep distrust; to many, the bare mention that you read foreign newspapers online, or any media branded "alt-media" by the state is seen as proof of untrustworthiness and wrongthink.

There's a reason swedish dissidents, many in voluntary exile, refer to Sweden post-1980s as "DDR v.2": this is a truly and fully corporatist state.

As for the situation for jews here, 1 000 000 potential moslem voters trump 10 000 swedish jews any day of the week. In the city of Malmö, third largest in Sweden, the population of swedish jews has fallen from over a thousand twenty years ago, to under 200 today.

The reason is spelled islam.

By writing this, I could go to prison under several swedish laws.

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Thank you for explaining this in such detail. I truly appreciate the time you spent. I hope no harm comes to you from just giving your assessment of the situation.

I have heard several speakers on the Corona Commission speak in agreement w/what you wrote. They said they felt very isolated in Sweden. Further Astrid Stuckleberger (WHO whistleblower) said Tegnell would not talk much w/her any longer after he started pushing out injections.

Yes, immigration is being weaponized by many western nations at the behest of extra national entities to bring about the great reset.

I am sorry for your situation there and again, I truly appreciate your courage in writing this information. Thank you, Jill

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It takes more than 70,000$ to organize and fund organizations like these. Where else are they getting money from?

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In the US, large foundations and entities such as VanGuard fund these kinds of things.

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The NGO's, the Billionaires (soros, gates, etc.)

I am SICK of it. I want to sponsor legislation that all NGO's and non profits and other supra national entities be abolished or at least lose their tax free status and must declare themselves subject to the laws of a specific country. That should take the BIS out of operation as well as the UN, the WHO, GAVI, etc. etc.

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Recent discovery of 19,000 previously unknown underwater volcanoes has received little attention in the climate debate. We're in a race for the moon/Mars yet know very little about earth's oceans. Our priorities are screwed up. Climate change agenda goes hand in hand with WHO plandemics, collapsing financial system & food supply, killer vax, lockdowns, crippling energy taxes/theft etc. = total control of we the plebes. It's become easier to just cancel/censure/jail dissenting politicians, medical workers, scientists & media than actually debate the facts. Meanwhile, they're all enjoying their beach houses, at sea level. Brave new world it is, with them elites on the front lines... 🏰🏖️

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To be factual Bridgen NEVER said the vaccines were the biggest crime since the Holocaust, he actually was quoting an Israeli scientist who had said that.

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The left wing are a worldwide cancer. The useful idiots of cabal governments to help impose totalitarian control.

They push agendas using fear, brainwashing the gullible into becoming their foot soldiers to project their intimidation onto anyone who speaks against their agendas.

There's going to be a war if we don't stop them and then there will be no stopping us.

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It is time we fight back against these smears...because these people are RIGHT. The Covid jab might surpass, if it hasn't already, the total of people that died in the camps during the Holocaust. They hate this because they employed the same tactics (unvaxxed are unclean and germ carriers) and pretty much turned our own homes into concentration camps. There was no Nuremberg code or informed consent.

And we need MORE climate DENIERS!!! I DENY the climate is a problem...it just is...and there is nothing that we can do about it. Its primarily the SUN. Right now we are at the lowest CO2 levels in Millions of years. CO2 is necessary to life. Now they are trying to block the sun....this has gone FAR enough.

There has got to be a way to reverse smear them and turn their own tactics against them?

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EXPO is organised the way it is to circumvent the law prohibitng the formation of Freikorps/private uniformed groups, and has always been the suit-and-tie version of Antifa, from inception.

Several of EXPO's leadership and top agents have convictions for violent crimes, including arson, rape, assault, drug charges, and more of the same kind.

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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks for your post and drawing attention to this issue. The truth is that the vaccines, all vaccines have been an ongoing holocaust against the world. The innumerable harms and deaths caused would be well in excess of WW2 if one counts from the end of the war in 1945.

But the Nazis never lost in reality, merely moved into more profitable ventures to form their Fourth Reich which we are fighting now. We are fighting the communists too as they are cousins in evil to the Nazis.


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Greg Stenstrom, a retired US naval officer, said that this is a strategy with a specific name called ICD which means “isolate, contain, destroy”.

He says the counter is CER or connect, engage and restore. This doesn’t mean attacking the ICD users but to support the subject of their attack. It also means to engage in a substantive discussion of what they are trying to suppress.


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All part of the woke mob cancel culture propaganda machine.

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Saying it is a culture is far too kind.

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Think of it as the kind of culture you typically grow in petri dishes.

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Oh, I don't know. 'Ut cruel' and 'Ut ulcer' are anagrams of culture, as is 'cult rue'.

And it is all a cult.


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One thing; EXPO is not an extreme left organization. It is a nazi-sionist organization, weakening Sweden, for the nazi-sionist Israel regime (according to general Ya'ir Golan) and the synagogue of satan, controlling it. The people behind EXPO are NOT real "Jews", since they do not follow God's commandments, and do not care about truth, nor do they care about the seven deadly sins, like real Jews do.

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What??? None of that made any sense.

Expo are far-left Communists.

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Not at all, but do ask them if they are in favor of nationalizing all means of production!

I bet you will find out that the synagogue of satan and EXPO are working for the oligarchs, who are in favor of the monopoly capitalism of today.

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Martin is a troll who's been doing the rounds on numerous swedish blogs (Toklandet, DGS, Fristad, m fl) over the years, always spouting the same nonsensical flamebait.

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I would agree except that Nazis and communists are both extreme left and extreme right so they meet together at the bottom of the political circle. Both arose out of Marxism which came from Germany. Both totalitarian and evil satanic monsters.


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There is a big difference. Communists are not ethnic cleansers, nor imperialistic, nor warmongers. They see all worker's/people's common interest of communism, regardless of nation or commune. There are also many flavors of communism in different countries. Cuba is very Christian.

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Come now, communists may not be ethic cleansers in the sense of one particular group but they are imperialistic in spreading their creed and they fight a different kind of war, a subversive war.

Not that the Nazis aren't doing the same now of course and did so alongside the military aspect in WW2.

There are many flavours of communism but so what? It is still an ungodly creed a corruption of truth like Nazism.

They are two sides of the same Marxist coin which should be patently obvious. I did not realise this until 2020.

Cuba is fairly Catholic but that is not the same as Christian.

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"The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with 1.3 billion baptized Catholics worldwide as of 2019." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church

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Advertising for the Roman Catholic Church. It is corrupted version of what following Jesus Christ really means. The RCC is a top down demonic hierarchy, a continuation of the Roman Empire in another form.

The pope has advocated for the toxic vaccines. It is not without good reason that 'Vaccination' is anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.

To be Catholic is not the same as being Christian or following Christ.

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I just stated the fact. You may worship Jehoshua [Jesus], higher awareness [God] with as mush Holy Spirit as you like, in any way you want! I strongly recommend prayer and contemplation. Let them be your teacher!

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Communists have been accused of Ethnic cleansing before, are you saying that is not the case?

Communism only works for the party. The people are all cannon fodder, just worthless. The Russians were ethnic cleansing in the Caucasus. After the Russian/Turkish War 800,000 Ottoman Muslims just disappeared?

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Our Conservative Party is as useless as the Republican Party.

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