Nov 17, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Man, what WERE they right about?

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Nothing. "They" were right about nothing.

Except, perhaps, that SARS-CoV-2 is a virus, which can cause some symptoms, and mutates over time.

Every single mechanism of _response_ to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak was not right. Testing, counting cases, blocking helpful life-saving treatments, forcing detrimental, even deadly, purported therapeutics.

The highest-impact responses were vastly wrong, deadly wrong. After more and more truth and facts came to light, those who continued to push deadly responses should be considered criminal, as in pre-meditated intentional mass-scale murder.

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Hand sanitiser is very handy for cleaning stuff though like laptops, mice and mobile phones. But I've got gallons of the stuff!

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To anyone with a brain, the Covid Scamdemic and Crapcines were and are a patently-obvious fraud, the only purpose of which was to profit off premeditated mass murder...

It would seem maybe 10-12% of humanity at best, ever used the brains they were born with to see the nakedly obvious... And if you did... you were risking arrest.🙄💩

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Using hand sanitizers and any antimicrobial productrs on your skin is also a direct attack on your immune system and increases the risk of growing cultures of resistant microbes in the body. Avoid at all cost.

Water and soap is incredibly effective as a cleaner.

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EVERYTHING was about control and compliance only......bastards....

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That's a *bit* conspiracy theory for my liking. I much prefer to go down the incompetence, unknown and fear routes which are much more common human traits. They abandoned planning and all prior good practise out of fear. Mainly, IMO, driven by the darn mainstream media. The biggest baddies in this whole damn mess

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Who funds the mainstream media? Who did they get the info from..... look around...... no conspiracy.... same as the masking, social distancing, PCR testing, and the shots..... it's an inconvenient truth, is what this is....not conspiracy...... not $cience either.....

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

There is proof Covid was already circulating in September, 2019 (blood serum gathered at that time in Italy). Everything - lockdowns, masks, protocols - was a power grab and another key to their depopulation agenda. Geoengineering (poisoning air, water, farms, food, manufactured extreme weather) and famine is another part of it. They will fail, of course. It will turn soon.

Covid, September 2019 in Italy confirmed (Dr. John Campbell)


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Exactly.....if people don't see this and still talk about conspiracy then there is no hope.... thank you.....

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

I did fell for this #### narrative. I did. I was wrong, ohh so much. I used a lot of sanitizers, thinking I was avoiding the worst. I was wrong. I always respected you people who were right from the beginning, and am thankful to your constant warning. Thanks, thanks and thanks again!

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I never could use hand sanitizers even if I wanted, because my hands would dry out and start bleeding. I learnt that lesson from the swine flu scare over 10 years ago.

I actually got swine flu back then and it was way worse for me than covid. I was hospitalized for the swine flu in fact.

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I am sorry for hands. I got an extremely serious flu back in 2016, it was 10 days of hell, and for me too che covid was nothing to worry about.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

But…..a nice little money earner!

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Cleaning the germs off your hands with hand sanitizer creates superbugs. Not all of them are killed and the ones that survive are then immune.

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Never used hand sanitizer. I learned early in life to wash hands when dirty or after using restroom. Geez, the covid rules (from masking, 6 ft distance, sanitizers) were all stupid to me and went against common sense. I thought the whole ‘pandemic’ was a farce with deaths being manipulated and mostly caused by bad treatment options forced by CDC.

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Nope. I've always been anti-sanitizer except at outdoor toilets where no running water and pooh got on hands. There the hand sanitizer is used like a wash and then a large wad of toilet paper is used to wipe it all off and tossed into the toilet.

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A wet wipe is probably a better solution in those situations!

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During the initial months of the pandemic when we thought the virus was like anthrax/ebola and would kill us upon contact, I would wipe down everything. When I observed people weren't dropping like flies as forecasted by the experts, I stopped worrying about it and stopped using the wipes.

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Oh BTW, wipes are not approved for outdoor toilets managed by Parks Service.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

I've never been much of a hand washer. I started my working life as a miner and there was nowhere to wash so you ate with dirty hands and I never got ill. Throughout the fake pandemic I didn't use gel and would eat with my hands after for example coming out of the supermarket. Not so much as a sniffle.

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ahh the speed of science®

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It’s very good for taking the sting out of mosquito bites!

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They deliberately lied about absolutely everything.

Including that there was a new virus. There wasn’t.

And they knew there wasn’t.

Now how do you see everything that’s happened?

Yes. You should be angry. They’ve stolen three good years of your life & they’re not even slightly done.

They’re not going away.

They’re going to have to be made to go away.

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*I remember being yelled at at an open vegetable stand for touching the veggies in 2020. Masks had not become the norm so much yet. The "plauge" of touching of anything was intense. Remember to have sex thru a hole in a wall? The cabal must of had a good chuckle, a hole glory of laughter.

The mask sigil NPC's have no fear of touching anything now. Why? They haven't bin' told yet. If MSM started telling them they had to bend over when they walk to avoid the 4 ft height level of covidian, well, that would be the long n' short of it, yeah. They have retention spans of a gnat. The cognitive displacement of a Ovine, gender defined by 'ewe' & 'wether'. The bearings of a lemming on the edge of a cliff. Now, that could be a downfall,,, ...don't....."you think".

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I only used it in stores because it was STRONGLY implied that I did so, to keep the peace.found it such a stupid comedy , because everybody had to touch these damned things , so we would infect eachother by this if it truly was how it spread.

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In Norway they actually put up automatic dispensers that you didn't have to touch.

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Dumber than shit, and far more disgusting...🤔💩

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My granddaughter (4), has been made to use hand gel at her nursery here in Italy. She already had skin rashes and now her poor little hands are red and sore. We have told them to stop making her put this chemical crap on her hands. I'm so bloody angry. 😡😡😡😡

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That's bad. Children really shouldn't be using hand sanitizers!

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