C'mon! What's the worse that could happen? You act like they could starve you without this digital ID. Wait. Nevermind.

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Not like you would need a digital ID in the future to be able to buy and sell, because that is probably where we are heading...

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You will but you won't be able to get half of the people to believe it b/c that sounds too much like some book they read or movie they saw. Of the rest, most will see it as a good idea, a breaking thru of the new to wash away the old leaving a small percentage, around %30, who can and have been seeing what's happening. The key is getting that half that don't believe to embrace it leaving only %30 resisting it, a small enough percent that the majority can coerce that %30 into either compliance or imprisonment.

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The British exchequer has already bragged about this when pitching the idea of a digital currency. Pointing out how the government could control how it's spent unlike current currency.

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Preaching to the choir here, but imagine the level of assholish control freakery required by a "public servant" to think that controlling how people spend their money is his job?

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Most of these people are psychopaths so this is very easy for them,

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And they said was all “CONSPIRACY theories”

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Removed (Banned)Apr 29, 2022
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Dude, the Christian Bible predicted this, exactly as its happening, over 1000 years ago and you want me to believe that's what just coincidence? If you can't see where something like this leads your a fool.

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You want to have digital ID go head nobody stopping you, you want to pay more taxes nobody stopping, you want get mark like animals nobody stopping you. But if some people don’t want to be mark animals respect their decision... because like progressives said we fighting for “freedom, human rights and democracy”

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Many countries made it mandatory to microchip your dogs. Just wait a few years until the media starts pushing it for humans.

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They call it incrimentalization. It is the micro to the macro (the larger plan). Society can be changed but you have to do it slowly and carefully using crisis moments to make larger jumps but otherwise always moving in small easily acceptable and reasonable sounding steps. They count on peoples guilt from not compromising so they continually compromise you from point A to point Z via many incremental steps.

Lets say it's 2000 and the goal is the normalization of pedophilia. There's no way you can get even a small percent of the public to come close to decriminalizing pedophilia let alone normalizing it. What we can do is push for the acceptance of gay marriage. I mean no harm to gay people but the gay marriage fight was about a larger goal, those who supported it for its face value goal were used for a larger purpose. Once tis is done the societal norm, what is generally accepted, with regards to sexuality has been moved.

Next we change what the definition of sex and gender is; challenge standing beliefs on what sexual normalcy is so that there are no clear lines as to what a man is and what a woman is. The line is moved again.

Next we move into normalization of trans people. We promote it until the general public believes that there are far more gay & trans people in society that there really is so as to make it look more like just another choice like heterosexuality's. The line is moved again

Next, once trans sexuality is just another sexual choice we focus on questioning long held beliefs regarding metal illness. With trans now just another thing it is no longer a possible mental illness so what else where we wrong about with sexuality? Perhaps our stance on pedophilia is entirely wrong. These aren't sick people they are just like anyone else but for them their sexual preference is young kids. Pedophilia is still illegal because kids can't consent but we change the publics view of pedophilia so as to feel sympathy for pedophiles and not anger or disgust.

Lastly, we now turn our focus to the question of consent. We're now allowing young kids to make choices regarding sexual transition so perhaps they can consent to sex at much younger ages then previously thought.

See where this is going? With incremental steps society's perception of normalcy is changed and if at any point a person or persons try to draw a line in the sand and say NO they are criticizes for being unreasonable relics of the past unwilling to accept change; they are ignorant fools.

Several of these incremental action plans are happening right now. This is just one specific to how to normalize pedophilia. If at any point you question if what is being done might lead to something bad you get the good old "that's a slipper sloop fallacy". The academics and self-enlightened love their Slippery Sloop Fallacy excuse; let's them ignore a lot of things.

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And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…

Yeah it's just all tin foil hat conspiracy theory True they are doing exactly what the Christian Bible forewarned of expect they're not calling it the mark of the beast so the rest is pure coincidence.

They're are people who will make this claim, it's just coincidence.

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This is fucked up. People better start learning how to be self-sufficient, and start moving out off the grid and away from big cities, and head out for the woods in the countryside

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Funny, I wrote something similar on Twitter a few days ago.

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Running away from a problem is not dealing with the problem. I'd get out of big cities for they can be death traps in time's of crisis but moving away from the ret of society, trying to hide away,. won't work but for just so long. DO you honestly believe that if you do that when they are done and have everyone under their thumb they're just going to leave people like you alone in your wooded hideaway? You will be the new Alama Ben Sadden Domestic Terrorist figure they will promote hunting down for the betterment of the state.

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I'm terrified, but I don't see how to say "no thank you"

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Right now you can say no thank you and it will make life difficult but you have that choice t say no. Once they reach a threshold, a percent of the population that has accepted it, they will switch to making it mandatory. It's how government works. They do it voluntarily until enough people get on board and then they try and make it mandatory like with the covid vaccine.

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In Norway it is already more or less mandatory if you want to live modern life with things like buying stuff online with your credit card. As I said, I'll be writing another article on that topic!

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I'm sorry to hear that. That means they've won that battle. You guys in Sweden have to stop this before it advances again to where non-online purchases (in person transactions) are the same. For the Authoritarians its about incremental wins, small steps so most don't notice. Its how they've managed to make so much headway already. You have to put your foot down and say no more no matter how radical they make your stance out to be.

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You should also look into Ontario, Canada's digital ID card. It has not gotten much press and has been subtly implemented.

It's touted as a secure digital card to store your passport, health card, driving license, etc. It came into effect I believe in 2021 as a way to "add your vaccination passport onto". It is quite dystopian and part of this whole new digital ID movement.

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We put up with and accept small changes like, reuse a shopping bag as it's good for the environment, but at some point the nudges cross a line, like with bodily autonomy and gene therapies, where people are forced to choose a definitive YES or NO, and stand firm.

What these globalists don't seem to understand is that, out of conflict and chaos, new systems spring into life. The leading edge of culture in the world today is already a whole stage ahead of where it was 50 years ago, and the evolution of our minds, values, and ethics, is accelerating. The world these globalists thought they would control in 1970 no longer exists. It really will be a new world order, our world, and not the old world order they were planning.

In short, people are getting smarter, and maybe not the 80% but there's a 20% who are already at the cutting edge of a new human intelligence and cognitive complexity.

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RemovedMay 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022
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Funny. The Christina Bible has been forewarning of this exact thing for centuries and now that's in place they still are called conspiracy theorists.

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So if you suddenly became dictator in chief would you get rid of this surveillance system?

Excuse me for being cynical Mr downplayer of how many people were really out on the streets of France several months ago.

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Putting access to your money and self within a digital ID that is a micro chip in your hand is a fools errand. People like this are the ones hackers love because they are easy prey due to their ignorance of how insecure the internet is.

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RemovedMay 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022
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And your gonna get banned again but this time for spamming. I've gotten 9 Alerts where you've posted this exact same message 9 times. You can't post the exact same reply to every single post in a thread, that's just going to piss people off and cause them to not read what you've posted.

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RemovedMay 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022
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Not a single one of the replies form you has a like. You got one reply with a bunch of emoticons but that's it. Why? Probably because like me the person saw their imbox filled with the exact same reply and if you don't look closely at them it appears on face value like one person was holding down the POST button whether intentional or not so I doubt many read your reply. You clearly have a thing against Peter but your not going to get many to read what your saying if you do it like this.

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