Nov 4, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

They do that here, too. Each COVID article published in the local paper includes the following caveats:

**B.C. now defines a COVID-19 death as being an individual who has died from any cause within 30 days of a first COVID-19 positive lab result.

***The majority of hospitalized patients since December have tested positive for the virus after being admitted for other reasons

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Same in the US of A.

I think they played it up here because 2020 was an election year.

My dad is a nurse practitioner and he volunteered to go to NYC when Covid first broke out in April/May timeframe of 2020.

I called and asked: “How bad is it?”

His response: “Son, this s--t is a f-----g joke.”

Covid effected a very specific population (diabetics w/ uncontrolled blood sugar/immunocompromised individuals/people who are generally more susceptible to the yearly flu), but other than that it was just a bad cold to the vast majority of people.

If the Black Death was a 10, Covid-19 was a .5 at the most.

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It was really all about control to see how people in the U.S. would comply. So we didn't lose over 1M to Covid after all.

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

It was definitely partly about control, but mostly about their depopulation agenda. These jabs are dangerous, especially the more people get.

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No matter what, I'm going to remain a pureblood and just hope for the best.

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Me, too. There's absolutely NOTHING that would ever induce me to get the jab.

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It was ridiculous. On a Thursday before the lockdowns, everyone piled into the grocery store. There were ridiculously long lines, and the runs of toilet paper. It felt very manufactured.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

I’ve thought that this has been the case for awhile now, especially in the US.

Hats off to you, Peter, for doing the research.

I think historians will confirm what you’re saying now, but you won’t get the credit for it. People who are right ahead of their time seldom do.

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6407 reported covid deaths / 3953 actual covid deaths, should be about 62% over reporting?

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You are correct. It is actually 62% overreporting, I am updating the article.

I went with what the Finnish state media Yle said about 40% without realizing they had their math wrong. Thank you for pointing it out!

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Hi Peter, I think it would be good if you showed your calculation in the article.

Because if people do the calculation wrongly like I did, they’ll do this: 3953 / 6407 x 100 = 62%. People might just assume you got confused, and the over reporting should be 38%.

I just think it might help prevent an unnecessary distraction.

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Finnish media Yle got confused lol

It is true that 38% OF the reported covid deaths didn't die of covid, but it is also true that there WAS a 62% overreporting.

Percentages can be hard sometimes, hence why I didn't immediately catch on to the fact that they reported it incorrectly.

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Death reporting has become highly politicised. Just look how high excess mortality in 2022 is largely ignored or downplayed in mainstream media: https://open.substack.com/pub/davidthunder/p/we-are-experiencing-a-wave-of-excess?utm_source=direct&r=wlowt&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Sorry Peter but the illness called COVID does not exist! It is seasonal flu rebranded.PCR is not a diagnostic test .This is the biggest Psyop foisted on a gullible, non questioning easily frightened, easily manipulated,non critical thinking worldwide pack of SHEEPLE that this planet has ever seen. A PLANNEDemic of mass psychosis and mass stupidity.

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America didn't lose over 1M to Covid-19 after all. It was all about control by our current government.

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In Czechia is counted as Covid Death anybody who was positive when died. E.g. positive people killed by car accident etc.

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File this one under "No Sh*t!"

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Dear God, please arise to defend us otherwise they will continue to crush until we are no more. Stop the demons that are behind all of these happenings in Christ's name we pray

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Number of deaths verses those with cormobidities (diabetic, obese, cardio issues...) in Denmark

"Total Covid" death's -5798

With other illness -5070


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Great points, Peter.

Official numbers should only ever be excess deaths. The rest is meaningless.

In Canada, the excess death data are all over the place: it varies widely (from wildly positive to wildly negative) depending on province. In my province of British Columbia, Covid (even death _with_ Covid) accounts for only a small fraction of the excess deaths. The Covid _response_ accounts for some nontrivial proportion of the remainder (especially considering how lockdowns affected drug toxicity deaths.) We still lack a coherent, comprehensive explanation of all the excess deaths. (But we know it's not Covid itself causing it all.)

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I’d like to know what Canada’s and the USA’s totals “actually”, “really”, “honestly” are but I’ll bet they will never reveal those numbers!

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At this point, I doubt anyone actually knows, including the people who put the Panic in Panic-demic

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And this is just the beginning of the dying. Billions are going to die.

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Hopefully not.

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I am hopeful too... but considering the literally dozens of ways this injection can kill or grievously injure, I am not optimistic anymore. And this latest video with Dr Bhakdi revealing the reason for the sudden heart attacks was the icing on the genocide cake for me. Spike proteins produced by the vaccine leak from the blood vessels into the organs of the body. The body's immune system begins to destroy the foreign proteins that have invaded the heart muscle. In doing so, the body destroys the surrounding tissue. Scaring of the heart muscle occurs and at some point it just stops. Which is why few of the cardiac arrests from the vaccine can be saved. They are just dead and not coming back. See what I am talking about here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UV5vQAr6TAFM/

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Bizarre-- and almost identical reporting from the U.S. today here: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/a-veteran-medical-examiner-who-reviewed

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Pure. Organic. Science

Adulterate Corrupt Contaminate

Bar Assoc Judiciary Jural Society

Program CONSCIENCE doctrines

Systemic fraud as to LAW concealing a fraud as to government. DEATH culture sets the environment for war, climate is duress, nature predatory. Lawyers the ministration of condemnation. Judges the ministration of DEATH. Courts the synagogue of Satan. Police their faithful witnesses.

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Same everywhere. CDC came out with instructions in Feb 2020 that if there was not test done, assumptions of cause could be made and they expected (instructed) it to be reported as Covid more often than not. Remember how bad Italy was? 'Higher health Italy' did review after a year or so and concluded some 75% had at least 2 serious co-morbidities like late stage cancer, diabetes etc.

And of course everywhere they used positive Cov test as death from Cov even if it was gun shot wound or motor cycle accident

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