“Conspiracy theory”. Funny how zero conspiracy theorists have myocarditis…

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As someone else pointed out, the difference between a conspiracy theory and truth is about 12 months

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I thought we were up to 6 months by last Christmas? And it took Victoria Nuland around 6 days to concede the existence of "certain establishments" in Ukraine back in the distant history that was Springtime this year (wheels turning quickly, time moving dast, etc., etc.) 🤣🤣🤣

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Now I think this timing has actually been reduced greatly, more like 6 months

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I will share this but very few will understand. Its too much did the average person to process. Normalcy bias, I suppose. And those of us who do see, need critical mass do actually do anything about it. I feel like a rubber dinghy, trying to course-correct the Titanic.

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

That's a perfect analogy, but we must continue to attempt course-correct . We can't afford to fail or our children and future generations will curse our name, just as we should curse those who came before us who could have changed the direction of our politics and did not. With each generation it gets harder to tear town the tyrants and oligarchs as the concentrate power into fewer and fewer hands. But I believe we have it in us. We can spread information at the speed of light which no other generation did.

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This digital currency is the intermediate phase or currency before the introduction of the mark of the beast and his 666 system. When are people going to take the streets? Spineless, corrupt politicians will never enforce the law. The great reset crowd needs to be their target

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Some people HAVE taken to the streets... but we don't see it because it's CENSORED.

But Murkans seem to be pretty slow to get activated... too busy dying from the jab, I guess.

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Isn’t this why Obama started a war with Syria? Syria has its own currency-bank and recognizes all religions and Assad has women working in his cabinet!

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Obama is part of a very small cadre of CIA operatives that are running this whole damn shit show.

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“We can spread information at the speed of light…”. And THAT’S why the Communists are melting down over Twitter. The town square must now be used to 1) spread information, and 2) organize coordinated response in the form of boycotts, etc.

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Yes, some of us are clued in, and I agree with you.

I think it's coming in fast because the Insane Oligarch Assholes are starting to freak out that more and more people are "waking up" to this incredible scam.

We don't have to comply. We CAN take down the whole fricken structure.

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Well that’s ruined by day.

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I do wonder how banks 'know' what you're purchasing. Surely only the establishment and transaction amount is passed, so if you're in a department store, it could be almost anything?

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At the moment, the bank doesn’t know details. Prior to the transaction, the merchant only wants to know that you’re good for the money.

With exceptions, that’s all there is, very little is denied to me but not to you (if anything). It’s not in real time. So the bank can’t compare what I did earlier with what is proposed right now.

They use algorithms mostly to minimise suspicious transactions. Can’t be used to individually torture you!

Reconciliation is once daily, between member banks who use one central bank.

With CBDCs, full details are exchanged with the CB prior to the transaction. Individual digital approval or denial is simple, via an algorithm.

This is in real time.

It’s end times for retail banks, by the way. They don’t mind because they aren’t profitable in uk where “free banking” is the model for almost everyone. Of course they just treat poorer customers worse in order to not lose money.

If I can get my act together in time, I plan to purchase silver & gold coins in very large amounts.

I expect bank deposits to be haircut / stolen & only to be spent via digital ID & algorithm CDBC.

I don’t kid myself this is viable for long term but I don’t plan to live long after such a totalitarian system is in place.

That’s because I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming. Ask yourself WHY they are doing this. I expect degradation & ultimately massed killing is the answer. Not necessarily everywhere, but in Europe & probably North America too.

If I was the super elites, hell bent on depopulation, consider this question: is it easier halving the population in every location or deleting the population entirely in selected areas? Obviously the latter. Easier to explain away, too.

So unless you think these people are benign totalitarians, they intend to do something very bad with the total power they’re about to get.

Finally, it’s not as if there are no clues. For decades, they’ve paid to create a false narrative of global overpopulation. The antecedents of several key figures were themselves eugenicists. The Georgia Guidestones feature 500 million as the target human population.

There are so many hints, clues, prior actions & deductions from clear evidence that I’d need persuading that they don’t intend depopulation.

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For the transaction contents to be transmitted to the CB before it completes, the merchant would have to integrate their systems to quite an extensive level and to a published standard. Unless they saw the economic benefit or were compelled by law to do it, why would they? I recognise the dangers, and think this can only happen by legal imposition. The public reaction to the loss of cash would likely be strong enough to oust whatever government imposed the CBDC at the next GE. Maybe that's what has to happen for those who think they control us to realise untimately they don't.

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They’ll be compelled by law & only large retailers can do it swiftly.

I agree there is work yet to do but I’ve no concept of what this involves & to what extent they could they enact a less than perfect system & then refine it in situ.

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Did the 'people' ask for this? Gov't is meant to represent the people, not to become dictators

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as long as we have AR-15's they can't control us

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Scary! Check out the West Bank of Israel, too.

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And shrinking by the day

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Well the carbon footprint wallet has already been predicted 1-2 years ago, so no surprise. It is happening no matter what, all part of the agenda, they're now not even hiding, or not very much that it's nothing to do with the climate. People are still believing in the climate crises no matter what.

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So if I get offline, and pitch my phone...where's my digital ID?

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