Badge of honor.

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It's not everyday that you get an organization writing hit pieces funded by Bill Gates and George Soros among others!

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They are on Team Rothschild.

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They, the elites, are intent on hurting, destroying us little people. Your environmental example parallels the psuedo vaccines.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Keep up the great work!

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Thank you!

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thank you so much for your fight against the totalitarians, who want to destroy our freedom and western way of life. Since all the facts are debunking their global warming myth, they have to censor and silence the truth and all critics. It is horrible, how well coordinated they are acting worldwide.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Peter, please get on as many alternative platforms as you can! If they shut down one avenue, you can switch to another. You have very dedicated followers and we will go wherever you post as well as repost your posts to Twitter, etc. They cannot shut you out completely. Stay strong, my friend. The closer you get to exposing them, the harder they will push. We CAN defeat these evil people!

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Thank you for your support. The best way to follow me is here on Substack, but also on my Telegram! https://t.me/petersweden7

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Jun 17, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Followed on both!

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Thank you :)

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Substack has deplatformed people too, like Dr Lee Merritt.

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Another way is to visit people on the nasty bank mafia platforms LIVE, use Orwellian language there, or irony, and point to an image, about where to find you!

You are invited to a nice platform https://odysee.com/@DigiDemo and may choose a theme for Friday 28/4! You may also choose language Swedish/Norwegian or English.


Btw. I am a mechanical engineer and have just finished an education as an electrician, so if hear see anything for me locally, where you live in Norway, then please do tell me! Sweden is unfortunately going down the drain in many aspects.

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The elite are in panic mode....the internet has opened up Pandora’s box. It cannot be shut. Truth and goodness will always win.

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The elites are Ashkenazim. Maybe Peter stops saying pro-Israeli bullshit and start telling the truth? Or it s like another Mein Kampf (tell others there are bad people, but never mentioning names and surnames, lol)

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Being pro-Israel is the new "anti-Semitism" in this Orwellian Age.

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I remember seeing something about the former Israeli prime ministers son being called "anti-semitic" by some media outlet because he critisized George Soros...

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Scientist Sucharit Bhakti criticised Izzrale and now may go to prison in Germany for 5 years.

Remember that expression about how to see who rules over you?

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Heard this too

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Pro Israel is not Pro Ashkenazin

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What do you mean? Thanks

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thank you for all the work you do.!

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Thank you for your support!

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen


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Thank you!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

You must be doing something right! Keep at it!

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Thank you!

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Just take them to thw court for defamation. Crowdfund your case.

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Godspeed Peter!!

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I’ve found the name calling starts when the facts end. Given the names you’re being called, I’d say you’re right over the target. Keep up the good work!

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When people run out of facts, they resort to name calling. It's classic.

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Your analysis is spot on on everything!

And yes, we need a massive awakening, or they will turn us in to soulless creatures with no understanding of the world!

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Bolsheviks were 80% Khazarian Jews. The new world order cabal is likewise. CCP is khazarian jews. CIA, WHO, WEF, Ukraine are khazarian jews. What’s happen today is what happened hundreds of years ago. Let’s not forget the Atlantic slave trade was dominated by khazarian jews in NYC. And before you scream anti-Semite and make a fool of yourself, confirm that Khazars are Semites. Truth is like a diamond. It crystallizes with extreme heat and pressure. All you hot hearted kind minded redpillers keep at it.

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Peter, respect your inputs, always good reading. About the hol*hoax, how are you so sure it happened? Several official documents and number have more than once revised the numbers of Jews that died during WW2… with ease you can find those information, that also is verified by several Jewish organisations that the number is around 1 million and of these nobody knows how many that died of sickness and starvation due to the Bolshevik communist sanction and blockades of food and medical supplies in to Germany at the end of the war…

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looks like your followers do not like you to be "no holocaust denier" Womder how that came to be...says al lot anyway.

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