Dec 3, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Appears that the Dutch government reps are disgracing themselves similarly to the way Canadian government has shamed themselves. Through unconscionable acts in the lust for their wef'ed agenda to be brought to toxic fruition. I stand in support of the Dutch farmers against theses wef'ed government dictating fascists.

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The things is, this all comes down to the Agenda 2030. Loads of countries signed on to agree with the Agenda 2030 goals, and one of those goals is environmental goals. That is what is happening here.

Expect to see similar things happening in other countries as well soon.

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CLIMATE CHANGEsteria: Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down Dutch Farmers!

- Bill Gates' is invested in the online supermarket chain apparently owned by the brother-in-law of the Dutch Minister trying to shut down Dutch farmers plus some memes from the Dutch farmers protest!


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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

I've always said that the grave danger comes not from 'climate change' but from climate change 'POLICY'. Do the Netherlands govt really think their small country is going to make any difference globally, even IF there was a problem, which there isn't?

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This will cause a problem, starvation. Just like all the other times that Communists have seized land.

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Exactly right. The famine is planned.

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The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food after the United States. of course it will make a difference...but not to climate change, which we all know is bs. but it will definitely improve the world starvation rate. Biden and his ilk are working hard on the U.S. too.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

The absolute silence from mainstream media keeps the international public in ignorance. What is the solution for breaking through that? Everyone around me seems completely ignorant of any aspect of this takeover.

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You can share this article for a start to let everyone know what's happening :)

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

There is no climate emergency - Do not comply - Fear is what is being propagated to divide and conquer so the WEF can control humanity and make slaves of us all.

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Climate change is a scam designed to scare you into submitting to The Great Reset.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

This is not about climate.

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It's about total control.

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I feel so helpless but people won’t listen.

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Best thing you can do is show them articles like mine ;)

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Demoralization is part of their game.

E X P O S U R E is part of ours.

What this means:

Once everybody can clearly see who they are, the house of cards they build, you can topple it, upset the plans. They thrive in the darkness. The plan cannot stand exposure.

Light and bleach kills the plan, disinfects schwabs and all other bugs.

It is so stupid and absurd and so cruel and inhumane nobody would cooperate once they are in the know. EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE.

Read "The Green Mask" by Rosa Koire as for their methods.

A chain of false and absurd ideologies that appear as "true" and "science" but are emphatically not: covid false religion, gretenism eco/fascism, ...gender ideology....digital blockchain currency/total control/global id ....all is absurd. Nobody would want it once it is exposed for what it is: total enslavement and global genocide ....with a handful of criminal sectarian fanatics at the helm who think themselves above the "human cattle."

People do not want to see. It is easier on them.

The question if what is life good for.

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Not in any way associated with communism, its fascism. Investors behind the scenes setting up a new business arrangement using government to force their plans.

The funny thing is these investors over the years are in the same vein that set up this agribusiness system they now seek to dismantle.

You vil eat zee bugs, unless of course, you know how to grow the food you eat.

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Communism and fascism is basically the same thing.

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In my view communism is a schism of fascism. The fascists use this imaginary utopia to further their (long range) plans.

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The founder of Fascism, Mussolini was literally a Socialist. Same goes for the Germans, they were Socialists as well just like the Soviets and Communists...

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Focus on the flow of money. When the flow stops you found a fascist.

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They are both centralized. Centralized power is always dangerous. Decentralized is the only way to protect against corruption. That is the problem. Our systems have been corrupted. We have solutions. Klaus Schwab is winning because he is defining the world he wants to see. We need to decentralize and do the same: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/klaus-schwab-is-right-we-need-to

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There are no solutions to centralized systems, even those who know this work to keep the centralized system intact. Hierarchy always collapses from overuse of resources.

Schwab is a magician not a dictator. I think he only seeks to move the pile (a fascist collaborator).

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Perhaps they're basically the same thing in your mind, but in reality they are politically polar opposites. Speech that reveals ignorance adds nothing substantive to the conversation.

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Both are tyrannical and authoritarian and Socialists. That's enough for me to conclude they are similar enough.

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Yeah yeah, the use of a word like ignorance to describe the character of someone with whom the user disagrees proves they have nothing substantive to offer. Which you did. not.

I stand by my idea. The surpluses generated by any economic system, any of the many isms, flow to the top regardless of the terminology. All you people are fighting over is control of the surpluses, and the 'little people' always and forever lose. At least until there are no surpluses left to fight over, which will be soon enough, as it always has in the past, this time its a global phenomenon.

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Communism and Fascism share the same problem, they are both controlled by centralized and highly aligned entities and are easy to corrupt. Individualism is decentralized and thus the only safe way to combat this. Understanding these systems takes some effort. There is an amazing book on it listed here:


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There are no communists as there are no equally shared resources, its not possible. Communes are an imaginary mind construct of the fascists. I don't have to read a book to know the Bolsheviks were paid to kill off and enslave the independent peasants to the benefit of the surplus skimming fascists. You might even be receiving payments from this fascist system.

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This is nothing more than a criminal land grab by the globalist puppet government. Resist!!

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These NGO driven agendas that then trickle down on governments absolutely disgust me. I pray the Dutch rise up together and put a stop to this nonsense!

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If the farmers refuse to sell their land and refuse to leave, what are they going to do? Go in and occupy 11000 farms?

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Exactly, I highly doubt a modern day Eurozone government wants to share a likeness with Mao.

The people have leverage, hopefully the Dutch realize that.

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Well Trudeau got away with something similar because the media were all on his side. Same will probably happen here.

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That’s a good point Mr. Imanuelsen. Thank you for publishing great work. My mother and I adore your work. I had mentioned previously my mother is Portuguese, so she’s definitely been awakened to European Union shenanigans thanks to your work.

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The Netherlands, like many countries including the US, are in need of a regime change! Holland is one of the breadbaskets of Europe, so the impact will be felt all over the continent. One wonders what their plan is when the masses begin starving? Are they counting on their depopulation shot to take care of that for them? #DoNotComply

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The plan is that you will eat zee bugs!

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Looks like I’ll be a vegetarian!

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Is there any hope for them within the legal system there?

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If I'm not misstaken, it is the courts that told the government that they are forced to meet these climate goals.

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What about international laws to help protect them then? You spoke of German occupation, I wonder if there’s laws left over from WWII? I feel like here in the US we are winning in the courts against Covid tyranny (except of course for health care workers like myself who lost in the Supreme Court), but overall we are winning! I am praying for these Dutch farmers, but they need more than prayer when fighting big government!

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Hey Peter and everybody out there! I have believed the lies about CO2 for most of my life and I come from a very academic background ! PLEASE! Read what this ex G7 Data Analyst has to say : there is NO statistical causality provable and they used all sorts of tricks to get their results - it is a LIE LIE LIE https://jdeeclimate.substack.com/

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This is the most conclusive scientific analysis of the best available data, with the most thought out testing design for causality

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It is truly worth to pay the 5 dollars once and this could be used in courts

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Do you know Allan Savory's work? He has shown that nature-simulating grazing herds are absolutely vital for plants and presenting the desertification. Without herds AND without chemical fertilizers [another part of the plan[, this means the land will become useless even for arable farming too. https://www.ted.com/talks/allan_savory_how_to_fight_desertification_and_reverse_climate_change . Also there is something about they are wanting the land to build a supercity for the neo-peasants to live in this area.

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Regenerative Agriculture, including diverse multi-species cover crops, and the correct use of grazing animals, sequesters both carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil. This also increases water infiltration into the soil.

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Cows are really important for the environment in fact, something that the urban city dwellers don't seem to have a clue about as they order their overpriced latte at some hipster coffee shop.

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Cow Farts ? Really? How are people even taking 1 ounce of anything said by the “Globalist”/ “Climate Change Ambassador’s” , seriously? Anything & everything said by these psychopaths needs to be discounted for what it is- Ramblings of Tyrant’s & Madmen. If people don’t start to say FK OFF! Say- NO MORE - Idiotic, mindless, nonsense Trash speak, about things that aren’t based on, even a smidgin of Logic, Common SENSE, Unbiased Scientific FACTS, they’re going to find themselves eating-MealWorms , Cockroaches, Etc. , for Dinner. While the “Elites” eat juicy Prime Rib and laugh at the ease they ENSLAVED You & Your Children, & your Children’s-Children/If they’re “ALLOWED TO BREED” by your new masters. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a Matrix.

We are in The Age of Idiots. Mindless fools who watch 5 minutes of Network “news” , Read/Watch a couple of video’s ( Way 2 many don’t even read anymore/It’s “easier” watch videos), think they have all the “facts” , then defend so called “facts” with aggressive zeal: Attack the “Climate Deniers” , in the process, they defend their OWN JAILERS. Good example: The Mask “Mandate” , US , Surgeon General is on the “news” state’s NO MASK is necessary. Surgeon General, who by the way looked like a 21 YO Boy, with a mask so big as to make him look Ridiculous, is back on TV , months later, now States that- EVERYONE MUST WEAR A MASK , Worst Part = People Actually Take the Child Like SG SERIOUSLY, WO any facts, do no independent research of their own-Maybe 10 Minutes to do so- Mass histeria , panic follows, People OUTSIDE riding bikes with 15 MPH winds, in 85’ heat- WEARING MASKS! How stupid can one be? All people had to do is to say NO, Appear W no MASK-What would happen? Shoot everyone, don’t think so. Over BF it started. THE AGE OF IDIOTS. Some 19-21 YO don’t know how many in a Dozen, WTF!!!!!

IDIOCARCY is a movie that satires current state of mental decline, fun & interesting to see.

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So now both nitrogen and carbon are an issue. Where can the farmers buy nitrogen credits?

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One more thing, watch as they come up with new ways to diminish your freedom via new “IT WORDS” repeated endlessly on MSN- Nowadays EVERY storm, Flood, Hurricane, is caused by “CLIMATE CHANGE “ or is it “GLOBAL WARMING” no clear response from these “people” as 2 what is the “correct answer “ FK THEM ! They’re all 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀’s THE USA OF RATS !

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Call Al Gore- Billionaire, Who lied, falsified, via shameless “Documentary Film “ , shown to SCHOOL CHILDREN, no less, as FACT, that MIA FL was 2 Be underwater in 2012 more or less. This bag of hot air flies around the world in a large Private Jet , having made said billion’s on - “Global Warming” Wait- Or is it - “Climate Change” ? Who knows & who cares if you can make billions off a massive CON JOB & get away with the lies, Disturbing Misinformation, Taught/SOLD , As FACTUAL IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS NO LESS- The depravity of these “people” is boundless -🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 USA OF RATS 🇺🇸

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

Unlike industrial scale mining for gold (or the little guy panning for it) running machines to mine Bitcoin or even creating real wealth by producing it or farming for it, the new backing for the failing fughazi fiat will be another fughazi. Something you can't produce and capture and touch, just something that will regulate behavior and reward austerity and not for producing or growing to satisfy market needs.


"..[A]s ignorant and retrograde as these people were and still are, today even mainstream commentators and anointed experts realize we’ve more-or-less run out of runway for having a global reserve currency backed by nothingness.

The fiat currency era is essentially over.

Goldbugs knew it wouldn’t last and invested in gold for centuries. They still do today. Now there is also Bitcoin, which captures the same mechanism: in this case using energy to back currency.

But globalists and central bankers are in a conundrum.

There is the realization that the fiat era, backing money with nothing is about to hit the wall.

But even central bankers know they can’t print energy out of thin air. It would render Cantillionism obsolete overnight, and we can’t have that.

What is needed is some basis to backstop that currency that has some kind of value, a perceived scarcity or cap attached to it, in order to reestablish faith and legitimacy in the “money”. Further, it needs to be something that can be controlled and distributed from within the central bank / state mechanism – it must be entirely outside the influence of market forces.

Finally, it has to have an ideological pillar that can be used to shape public opinion around its acceptance.

The New Thing B is Carbon

"Carbon Rationing, CBDCs and Sound Money"


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I wish I knew how to support the Dutch farmers from the totalitarian thieves who aim to steal their assets under false pretense. How do we fight these criminals? They clearly aim to starve the world into a state of subjugation, and are hoping they won't fight back, but instead passively comply. Now is the time to prove them wrong! Is there some way of waking up the police to make sure they realize they will be robbing themselves and their families of food for the foreseeable future? How idiotic do you have to be as a policeman to preserve your salary by doing the government's bidding and then be unable to purchase food with it? We are at an inflection point, a "do or die" moment in European history. It's time to fight against tyranny or succumb to a future of China-like submission to totalitarian rule.

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Spreading the message about what is happening is the best thing we can do since the mainstream media is ignoring it.

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CORPORATE CHURCH is Judiciary. CORPORATE STATE Jural Society in Association with the BAR. Fraud as to LAW concealing a fraud as to government. DEATH culture sets the environment for war, climate is duress, nature predatory. Lawyers the ministration of condemnation (slavery and imprisonment of the human mind and heart). Judges the ministration of DEATH to the individual sovereign soul. Courts the synagogue of Satan. Police their faithful witnesses.

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