Brain implants coupled with the euthanasia program being pushed in Canada….how long before they could just “flip a switch” and have folks just walk themselves into the ovens “voluntarily”!?

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If these things can "treat" depression, what if they could also induce depression in people? Something to think about, especially if you are a dissident.

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Exactly. And not just depression, either! I’m sure it would be a short hop to induce any number of psychoses…shades of MK Ultra, Manchurian Candidate, etc, etc. Induce riots? Cause violent outbreaks, cause you to buy certain products or take certain drugs? Very, very slippery slope here!

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Extreme slippery slope potential.

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I have a great cure for depression. Give depressed people hammers and access to all those chips they want to implant in their brains, and let them smash them to smithereens. That will really pick up their mood!! (and mine)

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What many don't know is that one of the best cures for depression is just to take a long walk in nature. Instead they put people on heavy drugs nowadays to keep them numbed down. Now this...

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All exercise is good for depression and many of the other things that ail us, but especially like you say, doing it in nature!

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Low sugar diet and sleep also important

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Spot on for many that is.

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Peter whilst I agree to some degree not all depressed people take pharma drugs and clinical depression and many other forms are so debilitating for these dear people nothing seems to help them not long term anyhow...we are fortunate not to be of this group of people.

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I can almost guarantee if they took 2-3 hour long hikes in nature everyday for 1 year they would have no more depression.

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Good for you Peter.... way to go then.

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I ask my 8 and 11 yo’s all the time if I can implant a tracking device in them. Starting from the first time I asked when they were much younger, they have both always said that was “creepy” and adamantly opposed the idea. 🤷‍♀️. I just asked how they’d feel about Bill Gates being able to access a tracking device I want implanted in them. The 8 yo screamed “Nooooo!!” And ran away while the 11 yo said “mom, that takes creepy to a whole new level. Bill Gates gives of a creepy kiddie toucher vibe. Again, no tracking devices, ever. Who would ever voluntarily let someone put a tracking device in them?“ 😂

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I’ve suffered from depression.

I honestly believe self centered/ narcissistic tendencies is the biggest cause of depression.

Which our society has promoted for decades.

Getting out of myself, giving to others, a hobby, getting back to God.

an attitude change has made me drug free.

A chip is an insane idea.

Who controls it?


Programming it!

Hell no.

I’m not biting of the apple of Satan

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I really don't like your first sentence...


I honestly believe self centered/ narcissistic tendencies is the biggest cause of depression. Many people are the sweetest kindest caring people that suffer and this remark is most hurtful to them.

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He isn't wrong.

All persons suffering from depression learn - instinctively and unconsciously - how to manipulate the people around them to indulge and enable their depression. Hence, it overlaps with narcissistic personality disorders. That way, the mentally ill person does not have to confront that they aren't fighting the condition, as the enabling and confirming interactions relives stress. This is due to how the modern welfare state is set up: the worse shape you can present yourself as being in, the better aid you are given, involuntarily creating incentive for all involved to "be as bad as they can be".

The depression saps the ability and will to make oneself better, and makes one susceptible to accept offers that in the long run just makes things worse. Depression must be overcome by the person himself realising the double-bind trap that depression creates for them, and the sufferer must then maintian a constant and consequent vigil against any tendency to give in, to allow himself to be weak, or to give up and slide back into self-loathing and apathy and distractive behviours. It is very much akin to fighting off alcoholism or other substance abuse, and is most likely life-long.

In my amateur's experience, about 1/10 can manage to garner the will to take control instead of giving in, and the only one common theme I've ever noticed is that they were in "do or die"-situations whenthey found their will to fight; hardly something that can be bottled and sold ormade into a therapeutic method.

Whether a remark is hurtful or not has no bearing on truth, and vice versa. Calling me "sight impaired" instead of half-blind will never affect my eyesight.

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Screaming rubbish

Doth protests too much.

An actual therapist would consider other opinions, but not you.

Not pidgin hole, oh but you do.

You keep people in suffering with your Pity. You’re self appointed, I will help, I’m a therapist.

The most narcissistic and mentally disturbed people I’ve met are therapists who refuse to do their own work.

I’m glad you’re retired.

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I’m grateful to all get out the people around me didn’t co- sign my BS.

Encouragement, let’s do this, we can were what snapped me out.

If I had the above person in my life, I might have sunk further in my “ nice and sweet” manipulations.

Gaining pity to stay in my loser funk.

Thank you for getting exactly what I stated.

People co signing the BS is why we have so many mentally off people.

Granted some are in need of prescription medication I would gather.

The majority, have people like Tessa, fawning over them, for their own power trip games.

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Excuse me but i will stick to my belief...I know many people that are holding down very hard jobs never complaining that suffer from depression... Jolly good for you and the rest that believe a good walk/run exercise every day will help get rid of your depression. I am a retired therapist and have my own opinions that do not pigeonhole people. I close MY case and wish not to hear back from either of you again.

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🤣🤣🤣 omg.

I don’t want to hear anything that might disrupt my cognitive dissonance, that would be a more honest statement.

Of course you’re a therapist, most are so dysfunctional and clueless to their own disorders, and actually prolonging others in mental illness.

Work the 12 Steps and make amends.

How many people did you see for years?

Steal their money and actually convince yourself you helped….

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Oh please.

I will state my experience. Period.

You’re most likely making the pity party worse.

Nice and sweet can be a great manipulator, and you stating what you did, tells me, you might want to check out Co Dependance Anonymous. Work the 12 steps.

Stop trying to control everyone with your self assigned monitoring.

How you believe that you speak for all people who have a depressive episode, you might want to check your own narcissistic tendencies.

Good day

Political Correctness is destroying mental health.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

So, a built-in electroconvulsive therapy chip...

Think I'll give that a pass!

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In Canada it has already been suggested that people who don’t buy into the narrative be treated for mental illness. Couple that with the “remote deactivate” functionality coming for automobiles in the US, euthanasia for mentally ill in Canada, and these handy brain implants, and as soon as one expresses themself “inappropriately” they will be deactivated without recourse for the family.

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Hmmm. Could we be looking at the mark of the beast?

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I think it's worth paying attention.

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A holocaust survivor in Germany was sentenced to reeducation camp for being a vax questioner.

Praise God, friends whisked her away

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I was about to question that story, but after all that has happened I think I will leave that one alone.......

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Feds bureaucrat tools are up to morally repugnant machinations with these schemes. No to the warped wants of club of rome and their accomplices.

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All this is getting ready for the Mark of the Beast, as described in the Bible, the Book of Revelation. The WEF/Globalists will achieve the aims under Satan (the Antichrist). They will only get 7 years, the Tribulation, again described in the Bible. The GOOD NEWS is the Jesus Christ is coming soon for His Followers then at the end of 7years to the WORLD and will overthrow Satan and all his minions. The seven year Tribulation is the most horrible time in Earth’s history, God’s wrath will be pored out on an unbelieving and God hating World. Turn to Jesus NOW and avoid all this. He loves YOU.

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#1- I do believe that Revelations will come true.

#2- Many people in the last 1,800 years or so have predicted that the End Times are imminent.

#3- In the late 1930’s many people truly believed that the Depression and WW2 were harbingers of the End.

#4- I’ve been hearing that the Book of Revelations is coming true since the late 1970’s when I was a kid.

#5- I wouldn’t bet on it, but this time feels different. Too many bad things happening and Evil ideas being proposed.

Many people seem to have an aversion to much of what is happening, but no one seems to be able to stop it.

I know that I want no part of the evil, dystopian world that appears to be just around the corner......

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Much worse than 1984.

We have Gulags. We have lock downs, we have a wide open border controlled by the Cartels, we have more young American's dying each year from Chinese Fentanyl, at least 1/3 of our population suffers Mass Formation Psychosis and has disconnected from reality, and our country is overrun with illegals who are treated better than Americans. We've lost the right to free speech, and to assemble. Bars were open and crack pipes were free, but churches and health clubs were closed.

We've suffered extreme Mind War for decades, and now the ruling elites are working to put chips in our heads? I don' t think so!!!



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Long term effects of these things in our body? We already know that carrying them in pockets causes harm… they don’t care, they will probably be exempt… well you know what, so will I..

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Here they want to send electrical signals into your brain. They are messing with things they shouldn't be messing with.

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Will "WE THE PEOPLE" ever get to the bottom of this PLANNED SCAMDEMIC 🤔 ? Is anyone asking the right questions




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I remember when Bill Gates used to create Virus’s for Windows and then sell you the Antivirus.

I wonder what he’s doing Now

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We know the problems. Our systems are corrupted. It is time to organize and fix them.

Decentralize everything. Demand transparency. Weaponize the tyranny of the masses back onto the people corrupting our systems and end the Global Agenda.

Also understand systems better and how important they are. If you tell us the kind of systems that govern over you, we can accurately predict your quality of life.

Embrace decentralized and transparent systems.

Fear centralized ones.

Know the difference:


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I "love" when rational reason is used as a synonym for "good" or "moral".

Also, depression (as it is with the alphabet-diagnoses and autism) is up because the criteria for having the condition are so vague and general now that it basically amounts to "feel sad a lot".

It is not depression but anomie and alienation that is being felt: that their lives doesn't matter to anyone, and that the world doesn't care whether they live or die, and that they'll never be the popstar, the idol, the Hero but just another nameless faceless eminently replaceable and equal humanoid on the corporate machine.

In older or truer societies depression and the rest, including things like dyslexia or anorexia, are virtually unheard of - because everyone is needed, everyone has a function and everyone matters to someone as as a familymember, a kinsman or one of the same people.

These people need to found a family, to marry and to have children. They need to work with their hands doing real things instead of TikTok and indulge in poseur-ism.

Want to stop feeling depressed? Put yourself in a march-or-die situation. Either way, you'll be cured.

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Thank God for magic shrooms.


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I'm sure anybody in favour of this brain chipping will be a wef'ed shill so dumb they get it themselves or they're such greed driven sociopaths that they'll lie and say they did. Neither is a character I wish to be nor keep company with.

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Tech lobotomy...

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