Setting up the food shortages that require even more government and company oversight to manage. New model: oppression is deserved by those who don’t do what we tell them, or who decide to do anything different.

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Why don’t they like nuclear?

Because they hate humans.

The end game is NO FOOD.


Forced into shared housing.

People simply don’t believe their leaders & elites will make changes that result in MASS DEATHS.

I am not at all so sure.

They’ve already done things that have killed millions.

If history is any guide, assume no limits to the depravity of those in power.

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this is inevitable when you have centralized power. Decentralization is the only answer to this tyranny of the majority. Secede and put an end to mob rule.

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They're against nuclear power because it's extremely efficient. What they want is to turn back human progress, and send us back to the Dark Ages. A new form of feudalism, with Lord Klaus Schwab to rule us poor serfs!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

And for what? To support a war to prevent the eastern sliver of ethnically Russian Ukraine from being annexed by Russia? Is that worth a mass starvation of Europe? Yet we see whiners about the high price of electricity with blue and yellow flags on their media profile pages. Retarded.

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Peter is spot on and its really happening. USA farmers killed millions of livestock, dumped their milk, and destroyed all vegetable crops due to bullshit nitrogen hoax, severe drought, and lack of workers (anti-immigration policies). The WEF orchestrated this B.S. nightmare Ukraine-Russia war to increase energy prices (increase homelessness) and kill all animals/food sources. Billionaires will wipe out the millionaires. It will be the Hunger Games! Keep fighting, Peter!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

"The dystopian vision of the German-Jewish philosopher [and Holocaust survivor] Hannah Arendt [1906 - 1975], [in a later edition of her book, 'The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)', which included her work, 'Ideology and Terror: A novel form of government'] loomed at society's horizon: the emergence of a new totalitarianism, no longer led by flamboyant 'mob leaders' such as Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler but by dull bureaucrats and technocrats." -- Mattias Desmet, in his book 'The Psychology of Totalitarianism (2022)'


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Control the food, control the people!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Agenda 2030 is ahead of schedule. No worries, the demand for food and electricity will drop as the "safe and effective" jabs eliminate most of the "useless eaters."

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And what about bakery’s. By the month of January 50% of the 3200 bakery’s will stop cause the can’t afford the energie bills anymore. At least in the Netherlands. Madness coming from Brussels, they are to blame for this crisis. No support no solutions. And still more money towards Ukraine and war machinery.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

AND I can't charge my Tesla, Ford Lightening, or my plug in Prius because Gavin and the nitwit usurper posse have been using VOTE COUNTING MACHINES and Ballot box (stuffing) HARVESTING making The formerly Golden state the new iron curtain. Buy a "green" car JUST DON'T CHARGE IT UP? So much for technology when idiots worm their way into office. While we're at it, lets tear down the dams so we won't have water in this pretty desert when we need it nor make hydro power from them because WHY?

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There are no plans in place to handle nuclear waste in the next thousand years let alone 10,000 years. If those plans were in place that electricity would be expensive too. So the question then becomes do you want cheap electricity and then hand a very dangerous situation off to our progeny who might not be able to afford the cost associated with decommissioning plants and safely storing the waste?

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VIVA PUTIN. EUROPEAN NAZIS CAN STARVE. Anyone who supports NATO is absolutely a Nazi. This time let's starve them out and rid the world of the corrupt West.

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“Climate Change” is simply a utopian fantasy behind which certain groups of people can increase their power and wealth.

Everything that looks like a bug to normal people is in reality a feature.

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Settle down man…Its all for their Greater God, not the Greater Good. The Globalists are trying to take over and supplant our God Given Rights as Humans with their sadistic New God of Evil. Take this literally or figuratively it’s all has the same ending: Our Demise.

Do not comply to any of this. Fight to the end, help all those around you. We have to show them that billions of “rats” will easily devour the hyenas

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I'm considering taking up cannibalization of WEF members to maintain my protein intake

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